


I huddled in my cell, trying futilely to break free of the ropes that now bound my hands behind me. It had been at least a day since I attacked Lord Victor and blacked out from the pain he sent through my body. I hated how he could defeat me so easily, without lifting even a finger. I felt so powerless and weak, because all my sword skills could not save me from Lord Victor's mental connection.

The cell was dimly lit by the glow of torches in the corridor. There was constantly a cold draft coming in, which didn't make the dark and slightly damp area any more pleasant. I slumped in the corner and kicked at some of the straw scattered on the ground sullenly. Stupid Lord Victor. What does he want with me? Why keep me cooped up in this depressing prison cell?

I leaned my head back against the cold rock wall and closed my eyes, letting out a long sigh. Even the best warriors have their downfalls. Is this it for me? Is this the end of Katherine Lewis, the girl who had a quest but failed to see it end? I was getting more and more depressed the longer I stay here. My mind drifted back to my family, the young siblings and aging parents I left behind.

'If I don't return, don't be sad. At least I died with honor, trying to fulfill my mission and defend the land. I hope you guys are proud of me, Mom and Dad. Be safe, everyone, because I won't be there to protect all of you.'

Sudden footsteps echoing in the hall drew my attention back to the present world. I sighed again, hoping that it wasn't Lord Victor wanting to see me again. Maybe they're just delivering food, although it seemed a bit early for my next meal. Whatever.

I kept my eyes closed and head turned toward the corner as the footsteps stopped in front of my cell. I heard the jangling of keys and then a click as the lock was unlocked. The door opened with a creak, and I heard a grunt as the guard heaved something heavy into my cell, which landed on the straw with a thump. What did they throw in? A sack of potatoes?

"Hope you like your new cellmate, little girl," the guard said as he slammed the door shut and locked it again. "You two will be spending the rest of your time together before your deaths."

Cellmate? That grabbed my attention. I hope it wasn't some poor soul who wandered near Devil's Peak and was captured by Lord Victor's minions. Curious, I opened my eyes and looked at the body lying face down on the ground, unmoving.

The person was tall and slightly muscular, with black combat boots and clothes made for fighting. His dark brown hair was ruffled on his head, and his face was turned to the side, eyes closed. I squinted in the dimness, unsure of what I was seeing. Isn't that—

"Aaron?" I croaked, my voice barely above a whisper. I haven't talked in so long that my voice was getting hoarse. Clearing my throat and shifting closer, I tried to get a better look at the face. Because the head was tilted down, I had to lean over to the side to see the face completely.

"Aar—ahh!" Having leaned over too far, I fell onto my side. Our faces were less than a foot apart. But now I had a full view of the unconscious guy's face, and it was definitely Aaron. A rush of emotions filled my chest. Why was he here? How did he get captured? Did Lord Victor do anything to him?

"Aaron, wake up! Aaron, are you alright?" I called softly, trying to sit back up but couldn't. Curse these ropes that bound me!

Aaron was unresponsive. I wished I could shake him awake, but my arms were tied behind me. I called him a few more times before deciding to just wait. His breathing was regular and he didn't seem to be wounded, so I guessed that he was most likely sedated. We lied there on the cold prison floor, face to face, with him in peaceful unconsciousness and me in restless anticipation.

I don't know how much time passed before Aaron stirred. It seemed like a long time, but it couldn't have been more than an hour or two. I called his name again.

"Aaron, wake up! Aaron!"

Aaron groaned. He dragged his hand across his face, as if waking up from a deep slumber. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, and darted around until his gaze landed on me.

"K-Kath? Is that you?" he asked unsurely, reaching out to touch my hair. I nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt?"

He sat up quickly, rubbing the side of his neck. "I feel a bit drowsy, but that's it. I feel like I was hit by a sedative, so it might be the effects of that wearing off. But Kath, are you okay? Have they done anything to you?" Gently, he helped me back to a sitting position and began working at the knots on the ropes that bound my hands behind me.

"I'm fine, Lord Victor hasn't done anything to me except…" my voice trailed off uncertainly. Aaron's fingers stopped moving.

"What? What did he do to you?" His voice took on a hint of fear.

"It's nothing big. It's just that Lord Victor likes to get in my head and cause me intense pain. I've blacked out a few times from that."

"That bastard!" Aaron cursed as he turned to face me and his eyes searched me from top to bottom. "Just wait till I get my hands on him!"

"Aaron, it's okay, I'm fine—"

"Are you really? Did he hurt you in any other way? Please tell me if he did. Kath, we've all been so worried." Aaron's eyes shone with genuine concern. I was so touched. My friends cared about me. In that moment, I felt warm and fuzzy inside despite the coldness in the jail cell.

"No, he didn't hurt me in any other way, I swear," I reassured Aaron. "It's been a few days since Lord Victor last talked in my head."

"Okay. As long as you're okay." Aaron studied me for a few more seconds before going back to untying the rope. Soon, the rough rope fell from my hands and I stretched out my limbs, finally freed.

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