
Chapter 20: Special Dungeon(Part 5)

Yo it's-a me ShaggyJoestar I've been busy writing an original story, I was originally gonna make it a comic but I'm sure as hell not ready to draw that much. Since this is the twentieth chapter I'll share with you a few of my drawings.

Image here->


I walked upto to the third floor at a relative slow pace, I then opened up my map and paid for the full map.

Issei:"Old man Willis said I should meet Winston on the third floor."

Ranna:((Pops did himself good, if you want to learn runes he's your man though Pops was never as good as he was he's still slightly below average well.))

Issei:"I see where do think he is?"

Ranna:((Probably at Saint Louise Combat academy, it's where they trained Arcane Knights they are the law enforcement for the five floors. I used to go to that academy, met some of my most loyal comrades there, though my comrades died with me I hope to meet them soon in heaven.))

Issei:"You will friend you will!"

Issei:"But first I need to learn how to knit and make clothes!"


Issei:"I collected that wolf's body and dismantled it, thanks for guiding through that Ranna." I would've thrown up if weren't Gamer's Mind thank you GM for giving this system it could've been worse.

Ranna:((No problemo!))

Issei:"By the way why is the Evoluzione Draconica named that. Well it's in a language called Italian?"

Ranna:((It was an old language from before even the time of the all race war, though I don't remember what it is called.))

Issei:"I see!" Guess someone must've came to this world before the people were trapped in the dungeon. No time to worry about it let's move on." Looking at the map I found this floor's capital city and it was faaaaaaaaarrrr away from the Boss room, unlike the last two floors it ain't a safe zone it's crawling with monsters. Wells that's the mana I could sense.

I walked there while playing with my elements all at once, Riza and Meilee have digivolved to Rookie level, I'm now letting them fight some Goblins with tribal tattoos, civilized orcs and Goblins has a special mark on their hand which doesn't let them be resistant wards.

What I've learned from Ranna is that because of some of the goblins pride they decide to stay true to their nature and hunt and pillage any village they come across, the only way they can do this is to have a goblin of higher rank or a goblin king to destroy them since they can last the longest with out getting a headache. And yes any monster that come close to a ward will get the worst headache of they're lives.

But the stronger they are the more resistant they are to it. I flipped a pair of red translucent 0f nunchucks around, bashing three goblins in their heads killing them. I've been practicing fighting with other weapons so far I've gained Bow Staff Mastery, Hammer Mastery and now I'm aiming for Nunchuck Mastery.

[New skill gained Nunchuk Mastery gained!]

However I didn't expect another window to pop up.

[Would Gamer like to fuse Bow Staff Mastery, Hammer Mastery, Nunchuck Mastery to create new skill 'Blunt Weapon Mastery'? ->Yes/No]

Issei:"Yes yes yes yes yes!"

[Blunt Weapon Mastery-(Lvl 35/100)-[Passive]]

Issei:"Well that's good I should make some daggers out the wolf fangs, maybe I can get a blade weapon Mastery if train with other weapons."

Ddraig:((Maybe you should try it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.))

Issei:"Hey Ranna you said with the evolution stone I can evolve my self right."

Ranna:((Well yes but it's normally a one time use item but it was placed in a weapon so we didn't what type of effect it would have but, I kept getting Resistance after the other at alarming speed almost as fast as your gamer system, but the poison slime already fired a blob of poison at my comrade, I tried protecting a him, but then I died of blood lost, but I had to keep fighting till the end, there was too many of them and they overwhelmed me.))

Issei:"I see so I'm sorry to hear that."

Ranna:((It's all in the past.))

Issei:"Though evolution has the ability for beings to gain resistance to certain elements."

Ddraig:((Partner you don't your gonna!)) I took Ascalon and summoned the Boosted Gear but without the sword. And stabbed Ascalon into my stomach the evolution stone glowed.


Ddraig's voice rang out as I passed out.

-A few minutes later-

I woke and saw that I was laying on Riza who is a Dorumon now and Meilee who's now a Salamon along with Rio and keeping guard she sensed me waking up and ran over me crying.


Issei:"I'm sorry it's okay now!"

Meilee:"I was so worried!" tears were bursting out of the puppy Digimon's eyes I pet the Digimon while it fell asleep in my arms.

Ddraig:((That was reckless Partner I know you want power but going this far.))

Issei:"I'm willing to go as far as I can to get stronger this is just the first step, I can't stop anymore thinking about the God who destroyed us our was right to do so, even as a kid I could see humanity had no hope sure we could be redeemed but the generations after would make the same mistake, but it's the fact that he dragged out our suffering for so long! What are we his toys he could've of easily just snapped his fingers hell he could've just blinked and we'll all be gone just like that, but a fucking war that involves nuclear weapons in the end!"

Ddraig:((So you've gotten over your childish hate and you've now found a true reason for hating him or her are that technical rainbow in between, not because he just screwed over your life but all the innocent people involved in it.))

Issei:"Yeah I need to get stronger so I can knock some sense into that bastard!"


Sigh these two.

I checked my status and saw a pile of notification.

['EVOLUTION' successful Gamer is now 100% resistant to 'Dragon Slaying' elements.]

[Physical Endurance is now MAX would host like to evolve skill to Steel body?]

[Small Regeneration is now MAX would host like to evolve skill to 'Regeneration'?]

I pressed yes and both on them.

Ddraig:((HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Boosted Gear shall now be renamed 'Boosted Gear Evolution'. Dragon with 100% Resistance to Dragon Slaying elements how interesting!!!))

I summoned the now dubbed Boosted Gear Evolution and saw the evolution stone was dull but it had a count down. It was currently at 24 hours 25 minutes and 20 seconds. Though it was in runic numbers yes runic language had runic numbers.

Issei:"I see so it has a limit it's now recharge I'm going to be so op!"

Rio:[Ya guys say something what with all the noise?]

Sheng:[Can you guys SHUT THE HELL UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!]

Issei:"Don't tell me you guys were asleep the entire time?!?"

Rio:[Did we miss something?]

Issei:"Know want don't worry about let's just get to Saint Louise!"

I ran to the city at insane speeds as I arrived there shortly, I waited until it was my turn in the line the guards just let me without thinking of checking my identity, I'm pretty sure I'm a celebrity here.

Walking around the city I noticed it was incredibly clean I followed the map and found the school district there were some students walking they were wearing a white school uniform with blue stripes they were looking at me. A few girls came up to me.

???:"Um! excuse me my name is Emilia I'd like an autograph please!"

Issei:"An autograph? Sure."I took out a pen and gave her my autograph.

???:"Me next!"

???:"Me too!" some more students came upto me.

Issei:"Sorry I can't I came here on business." there awwws but I walked into the school.

There were students and staff looking at me. I turned to a teacher who looked to be in his 40s.

Issei:"Excuse me do sir know where the Headmaster's office is?"

???:"Y-your talking to me?"


???:"Turn that way take a left a right then another left."

Issei:"Thank you!" I followed his directions and found it, it was a huge door.

???:"YES LAUREL PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR VAMPIRE GIRLS!!!" Shouted a voice on the other side of the door. I slowly opened it to see an elf with black hair and woman with blue hair but she had pointed ears but smaller than an Elfs. So she must be a fairy. He was nude while laying sexily with a rose in his mouth while fairy woman was painting him.

Issei:"Well this is interesting."

???:"Hello there my name is Winston your that youngster Issei Hyoudou my your filled class!" I'm seriously getting Gai-sensei vibes here.

Issei:"You must be Winston Willis-sensei sent me here to learn runes from you."

Winston:"Your a student of my old friend Willis I see, he had lost some his class over the years but to think he regain some to take in a student! WILLLLLIIISSS!!!!." said the man crying anime tears. How this is possible I have no idea and why is a sunset behind him, I don't fucking know.

Ranna:((Forgot to tell you he can be Bat shit crazy at times.))

Oi what's with the water works I'm really thinking this guy must be Gai sensei reincarnated. I'm gonna get high off balls after this.

Winston:"Laura would you please leave I would like to have a word with Mr. Hyoudou."

Laura:"Yes sir."said the fairy stoic. Winston summoned a magic circle which clothed him.

Winston:"Now then take a seat."

Issei:"Like I said I'd like to learn runes from you, I'm already adept in magic however."

Winston:"I see then LET'S BEGIN NOW!!!" Oh boy this is gonna be a pain.

-A week later-

Winston:"Get out of the hell out you monster!" said Winston in a extremely cheerful tone the complete opposite tone when someone would normally say it.


Winston:"Simple you've learned every runes I've taught including spacial runes even Enchantments." Yes I've learned how to create runes that can affect space but not time, might invent them or something feeling cute.

Well in this one week I've learned how to create wards so I can now safely camp when it's nighttime on the higher floors, I can also teleport and set teleport wards to stop people from entering my house which means, I can use them against the Tomato and the Flat chested four eyes. Or Akeno my Danger sense leveled up four times when I walked past her once.

Issei:"Well then good bye Sensei!"

Winston:" Wait here." he gave a box, opening it is saw a rune pen with a red orb in on top.

Winston:"I normally give out one of these to a students who just graduated but you deserve it."

Issei:"I see I'll go say later to Laura." So you must be asking Issei (Aaron) why are you going to say goodbye to Laura? Well she taught me how to knit I'm gonna thank her.

I found she was teaching class so I knocked on the door and while she saw me.

Laura:"What is it Mr.Hyoudou I'm currently teaching a class?"

Issei:"I wanted to say later I'm going to fight the next BOSS so I wanted to thank you for teaching me how to knit and make clothes."

Laura:"I see then best of luck to you then." I then teleported to outside of the BOSS room.

Laura:"H-he already mastered Teleportation!" said the fairy suprised.

I was standing in front- I don't know what hell I was standing infont of it had six eyes and a huge belly it's skin was brown and it had a huge cleaver in its hand.

I didn't want to look at it so I just summoned a large amount of light and compressed.

Issei:"Photon Bomb."

And I completely atomized it.

Issei:"Hope I don't run into anything as groose as that!"

-2 Weeks later- *Location 13th floor*

A giant insect like worm shot out of the ground, I took out my guns and blasted them. I was wearing a skin tight black shirt it was sleeveless it had six red opening in the shape of eyes on it three at each side, with Ddraig's symbol on the back it had tons of runes and a shit ton of enchantments as well. I was wearing a necklace in the shape of a red sword.

I was also wearing a baggy amored red and black pants with a huge black and red belt with a silver and circle buckle, Ascalon looked different the sword was still a Dragon Slaying Sword but it's blade had a number of runes on its flat part. I was wearing an armoured red glove on my left hand with another armoured black glove on my other hand both finger less. I was also wearing armoured shoes with gems in them it looked so cool.

I also gave it tons of runes, I've been finally using my Blacksmith ID which l upgraded the crap out of, I've also made a sword out of parts of the Boosted Gear Scail Mail which also gained an upgrade due to the evolution stone. It was at my hip. My guns well I've upgraded them to fire magic shots that are more powerful than anything I can fire off without them and that's saying something because I can now easily atomise Japan.

I also bought some books from alternate versions of my original world, I can now make metals as flexible as cloth but as durable which is pretty much everything my clothes is made out of. I gained the Mechanic skill from building a bunch of high tech guns with magic. I also learned alchemy and potion making. God I love this system I can just absorb books from alternate version of my world and learn how to make fucking mechs yes I know how to make them and I'm ultra rich now!

Reason.....This fucking dungeon! The gods in this world must be super generous or some shit because my Money and gold is closing into 100 Bil soon. I've also practice two handed sword fighting which Ranna guided me on he was master on it.

I've also bought system functions called armory. I can set different equipment and summon them like Erza's requip right now, I'm wearing 'Standard Combat Set MK 2' why MK 2 beacuse it's an upgrade of MK 1 which turned out to be a failure. Also got fire arm Mastery it's max.

I also have another armor set called Aria set though it's not much of an armour it's still looks pretty awesome, the bow I've upgraded it can turn into a guns. I've also bought some more gravity bands gave some to my digimon and took two of them these are my stats.


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:187/ Next Level 57%










[Stat points:984/Munny:87,302,879/Gold:79,859,623]

(Go to the end of Chapter to see skill growth.)

I wasn't sure how far I was compared to guys back in DXD but Ddraig said I'm close to his level in terms of physical power. But I far outclass him in magic power, for my skills almost everything is max. are they've became new skills.

While walking through the desert I feel with presence and Mana sense a large centipede it burst out the ground it kind of reminded me of that one from one punch man but alot smaller.

Rio:[Issei let me take a crack at him.]

Issei:"Sure reload Rio!" I downloaded some more functions from the other digivices I can now use Xros and Spirit Evolution also gained burst mode Rio can control fire to some extent and Sheng can control ice.

The MetalGreymon came out of the digivice and summoned a cannon/sword on his organic arm.This Alterous a cannon/sword.

Rio:"[Positron Blaster!]" I beam fired from his cannon/sword and yes I'll keep calling it a cannon/sword because it can be used as a sword.


Rio:"That was weak!"

Issei:"Of course the monsters on the 11th floor gave us a bit of trouble so we had to train for a while and make somethings most of my skills are max now."

Rio:"Let's just end this dungeon."

-Three days later-

And I'm at the 20th floor I'm was walking to the BOSS room Rio, Sheng, Riza stood behind me, Meilee was on my shoulder. Meilee and digivolved days ago Riza is now a Raptordramon and Meilee is now a Gatomon. Got a function for my digivice that can manipulate the my digivolution lines of my digimon I can get, though they must to have sufficient strength to get it.

It was freaking cold for anyone else my cold Resistance is max so I'm Gucci as can be baby my digimon were also doing good.

We walked in the frozen hall and saw a sleeping three headed wolf as Cerberus which opened its eyes as we walked in it had chain and runes all over it which if I'm reading right gives him the ability to move them with its will Welp I'm taking.

I used Mana Augmentation on my legs and ran upto incredibly fast.

Issei:"Recoiless Axe!"


My let smashed it's head down into the floor caving the wolf's head in.

Riza:"Dammit Issei you had to kill it early!"

Issei:"Sorry saw the runes on the chains any let's go into the next room!"

In it was the same but an ice sword stood out which I happily plundered along with all the treasures.

[Hidden Quest Complete- Beat the first twenty floors of Tartaros/Rewards Mana God's legacy 2, Mana God's Successor.V2]

Issei:"Well that's interesting I took out a red galaxy like ball and got into a lotus position and began absorbing the ball.

Again I saw the giant made of stars and galaxies, it then shot a red beam to my forehead.

Issei:"I see so I can advance now." I closed my eyes and began drawing mana from my surroundings into my mana core I then began to liquify the mana in the core and started to break it down while moving the mana all over my body I began to let the mana wash my entire body from my skin to bones to my marrows.


I began to become on with mana it self, while my digimon looked at me they can feel the changes in my body just from the aura I'm putting off alone.

I activated my lightning and my entire arm turned into it....


Rio:"Well this has been fun let's go home guys."

Ddraig:((Well said Drake well said!))




Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor.V2/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:187/ Next Level 57%










[Stat points:984/Munny:87,302,879/Gold:79,859,623]


Active Skills:


ID Create-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(MAX)-[Active]


Mana manipulation-(MAX)-[Active]


Touki-(Lvl MAX)-[Active]

Electrokinesis-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Cursed lightning]+[Lightning armour]

Mana Construct-(MAX )-[Active]+[ Mana ball]

Mana Wings-(MAX )-[Active]

Mana Barrier-(MAX)-[Active]


Pyrokinesis-(MAX )-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Cryokinesis-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Hydrokinesis-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Umbrakenesis-(MAX )-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Photonkineses-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Aerokenesis-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]

Geokinesis-(MAX)-[Active]-[+Elemental Shifting]


Passive Skills:

Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Lightning Resistance-(MAX )-[Passive]

Steel Body-(Lvl 34/100)-[Passive]

Regeneration-(Lvl 29/100)-[Passive]

Lying-(Lvl 73/100)-[Passive]

Danger sense-(MAX )-[Passive]

Heat Resistance-(MAX)-[Passive]

Cold Resistance-(MAX )-[Passive]

Farming-(Lvl 81/00)-[Passive]


Presence Sense-(MAX)-[Passive]

Pain Resistance-(MAX)-[Passive]


Cooking-(Lvl 95/100)-[Passive]

Sword Mastery-(MAX)-[Passive]-[+Breath of the sun]

Martial Arts Mastery-(MAX)-[Active]

All Speak-(MAX)-[Passive]

Blacksmithing-(Lvl 95/100)-[Passive]

Runes-(Lvl 89/100)-[Passive]+[Enchantment]

Mana sensing-(MAX)-[Passive]


Alchemy-(Lvl 57)-[Passive]

Potion Making-(Lvl 43)-[Passive]

Fire Arm Mastery-(MAX)-[Passive]


Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear Evolution


Next chapter