

The matches finished, Kim Joon-Gu lost his battle but it was not because he was beaten but rather because he forfeited. He did not feel like battling because he was in the middle of an online game, an item he had retrieved from his bag and this did not violate the gadget confiscation rule because this was not one you could share information with but rather strictly for gaming online.

Despite forfeiting, he still lost his online match. The 25 participants meant that there was one person that would not have a pair up and that person was revealed to be Dohyun thanks to his performance so far and his title as the guild leader of The 7 Lights Of Anarchy.

Mangsik won his battle with relative ease, he could birth forth trees from the very ground to do a variety of things and not only control preexisting trees. This made blocking and evading useless as he could manifest them from any solid ground, thus the opponent was defeated with sheer overwhelming force.

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