
what do you want

Chapter 72: what do you want



''That son of a bitch'' Akila said through gritted teeth.

This was entirely Hariko's fault for not killing Ace. He is truly one sneaky son of a bitch.

When we're on the way here, I was silently hoping that I was wrong, although all clues scream it was him, I was still hoping that I was. That's why Teal knows I was the one responsible for Makinol's demise. Ace knew almost every life I have taken, all of them except for one. The one kill that wasn't on my file. That was one mistake I made when we were still together, I brought him to that one place where I kept the names of my victims.

''Do whatever you need to do with him'' Hariko's blue-grey eyes were as cold as frozen steel on a winter's day, his gaze fixed on the big screen in his command center. He hated his kind, traitors and backstabbing bastards.

I smirked, ''go and track him, Sin.''

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