


"What do you mean I'll assist him?" my face contorted to a scowl as I pointed my fingers in Ivan's direction. The mute Russian didn't seem to mind though.

Yuri's face mimicked my frown "I'm in charge of this operation." He stated firmly "now go be a good girl and be Ivan's spotter."

His men are now passing glances to the two of us. If he thinks that I'm one to back down, well this Russian Princess is mistaken.

"Can't Ivan carry his own arse up that trailer" I pointed to the trailer ship with a good vantage point for a sniper "that he needs a little girl like me to assist his fat bum?"

His men snickered and to my surprise, the mute Russian in question barked out laughing.

"Is this a joke to you!?" Yuri slammed his palm on the hood of this Audi, one of our getaway cars.

I placed my hands on my hips ``it is" his scowl deepened as I faked checking my fingernails. Yuri was about to retort when Nickolai's voice boomed in our earpiece.

"Target on sight"

"You" Yuri pointed his finger in my face "do as you're told."

Ivan held my wrist and everyone took their position.

"This is insane" I hissed as I followed Ivan's hop on the trailers. "This plan sucks. It's the sickest of all the heist plans there is."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Yuri responded annoyed.

Ivan offered his hand to me as we climbed up the last trailer in the pile but I swatted his hand and pulled myself up. "It's meant for your ears, Princess." The mute Russian with me started unloading stuff from his duffle bag and assembled his Barrett M82. I whistled at the sight of the beautiful gun in his hand. ''Sweet.''

''Nice piece'' for the first time in the history of mankind, I heard Ivan's deep voice and I got to study his appearance in the dim light of the moon. His soft jaws were being highlighted by the chubby cute cheeks of his. His deep blue orbs were glistening under the moonlight and the sniper rifle looked like a kid's toy in his big arms.

Why do these Russians have to be good looking?

I took the binoculars he handed me and copied his position as I lay on my stomach above this cold trailer. ''Good eye, Vanny.''

Ivan chuckled lightly but Kolya's voice echoed on the airwaves once again. ''One minute to position.''

''We're in'' Zion spoke as I focused my lens on the west wing of the dock. Zion and ten of his men are hidden behind the yacht docked ready to jump in the cargo ship.

Yuri, Turnip, and ten of Zion's men are positioned on the west wing of the port. Their position is the tricky one because it's being guarded by Italians. Turnip went behind one guard and Yuri did the same as they both slit their throats, preventing the guards from making any alarming sound.

''We're in position'' Yuri whispered. He and Turnip took the two Italian guard's positions as the rest of the men hid in the containing vans, ready to attack.

''Engaging in'' Nikolai murmured as the cargo ship closed in on the port. ''Five… four… three… two… one…'' the other end of the cargo ship exploded like planned. Nickolai used RPG for diversion and gave Zion and Yuri's team time to climb up the ship.

Italian curses burn through the airwaves like the flame burning the ship's gasoline. Men are falling like logs on Ivan's bullets and Nickolai's as Yuri and Zion's team clear the deck. I watched as Yuri moved in sync with Turnip, as if they were twins with one mind. Yuri docked as Turnip fired the enemy behind him. Turnip reloads as Yuri fires his AK47. Two minutes and the deck was cleared.

''We've got company'' Nickolai said as Ivan agreed. There were too many speedboats headed for the port, I counted twenty at least and each boat was loaded with seven armed men.

''Get out of the ship'' I said blatantly as I looked for a way to reach them in time.

''You don't get to give orders around here'' Yuri murmured coldly.

''Where are you going?'' Ivan asked but I was too busy to answer him. There was a container crane beside us and I didn't hesitate to climb it although I wasn't paying attention to how high I was. I was scared of one thing and that's heights. The wind was blowing my hair and as I reached the end of the crane, my legs wobble at how small the port was from up here.

Gun fires killed the silent night of New York wharf.

Think of it as just five feet instead of fifty freaking meters. I can do this, it's not that high. I convinced myself as lights of guns firing decorated the cargo ship like twinkling stars.

Why did I have to be good at calculating lengths and heights? This isn't helping me at times like this.

I tightened my gloves and mask before I held onto the steel cable, taking deep breaths in and out as I closed my eyes and took the jump.

''Jesus Christ'' I heard Ivan hissed as I freefall from the crane, the steel cable burning my leather gloves. My foot connected with the concrete ground. ''Andi, are you okay?'' the concern in his voice was evident.

''Yeah, why wouldn't I be'' three Italians raised their guns, aimed at my head as soon as they felt my presence but I used the shrunken hidden in my pockets, landing on their necks. ''This is just another normal night.''

For a gunfight, I was unarmed I guess, so I took the handgun given to me by Nickolai earlier -heavy and cold - and finished the rounds in between the Italian's eyes.

Nickolai and Ivan soon joined the party and took down every last one of the guards on their way until we reached the captain's deck.

Yuri smirked ''good job everyone.'' He eyed me and I just rolled my eyes at him. ''You too, butterfly.''

I scoffed, the events this morning were flashing in my mind. I rolled my eyes again but I caught a red blinking light behind Zion. ''Bomb!'' but I was too late. All I saw were flashes of red, yellow, and white until my body hit the waters with a dead weight on top of me.

My eyes were heavy as my lungs screamed for oxygen. I felt warmth in my mouth against mine, I forced my eyes to open and I was met with darkness as I fell into oblivion.

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