
Plans For Rebirth

"Oh... that's a relief..."

Jocelyn Baratheon dug her head into his chest, accepting his embrace.

If one said that Rhaegar's son and Robert's daughter would be promised to each other ten years ago, they'd be laughed out of the room or perhaps even lose their tongue for suggesting something so absurd. And here they were... in each other's embrace.

If Jocelyn had never been in the picture, Robert Baratheon would have no free will to speak off. The royal House Baratheon also would've been killed off or exiled to a distant land. It was because he was so fond of her that he showed mercy to House Baratheon... in hindsight, he did not regret it either. Robert Baratheon, for all his flaws, was an amusing person to be around and shared his desire for battle. The sibling relationship between Artos and Jocelyn was equally entertaining.

"Can I have my princess title back?" Jocelyn asked with a cute smile. "Since I'll be Queen Consort in the future and all..."

"You've always been a princess in my mind." Aerion fixed her hair, moving a wild few strands to the left. "As for the title, granting it is a small matter..."

"Hehe... now I can gloat to my big brother that he's still a simple lord while I'm back to being a princess."

Jocelyn Baratheon left his embrace and spun around effortlessly.

"He's not so simple, your older brother. I find that as much as hot-headedness as he has gained from his father, he can be quite thoughtful as well. Stannis has done rather well in instilling some discipline to him, for that matter."

"He could one day be the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands... right? Wonder how my uncle would feel about his daughter being overstepped like that in succession..."

"If you Baratheons were Targaryens, it would all be too simple!" Aerion chuckled, stroking his chin only a second after in thought. "Oh... Shireen and Artos are first cousins, now that I consider it. Either way, it matters not. Lord Stannis understands what is good for the Realm's future and will carry out my vision."

"I see... how will Valyria look like?" Jocelyn changed the subject, her eyes shining like the moonlight.

"You'll have to watch it grow to know," Aerion replied, taking a glance at the streets of King's Landing. "Although I do have a solid plan in mind, city's tend to grow organically through the will of its people. Anyways… you should go to sleep right about now. Or do you need me to share a bedtime story first?"

"Well… I wouldn't mind it." Jocelyn Baratheon admitted, glancing away from Aerion's gaze.

"You still haven't changed…" Aerion chuckled. "Let's go, my deerling."

"I'm grown, you know…"

"Says the girl who still listens to bedtime stories…"

"They're interesting, though… they're not as childish as they seem and I always learn something new from them."

"... Right, of course."


"Turn around, I need to get into my nightgown."

Aerion chuckled, turning around to face the door. "Not like there's anything noteworthy to see."

"Dornishmen are so indelight and distasteful." Jocelyn Baratheon replied, her face turning a little red.

"You must be speaking of someone else as I'm a graceful, beautiful and elegant High Valyrian."

"And I'm a Targaryen, in that case."

"That's not too far from the truth, either." Aerion smiled.

"Alright." Jocelyn Baratheon hopped into her bed and went under her sheets. "You can turn around now."

"I was thinking of what story to share…" Aerion turned around, walking to Jocelyn Baratheon''s bedside. "You've probably read all about the Dragonknight so there would be little point to that."

"Do you think that he took his sister, the Queen, to bed?" Jocelyn Baratheon wondered, tilting her head.

"What a question..." Aerion leaned against the wall, glancing at all of the decorations in Jocelyn's bedchamber. There were small statues of many reputable knights and kings, imitating a small battle to the side of the room. She had an entire shelf of books, ranging from history to myths and legends. There was even a sword that he hadn't noticed before...

"I wouldn't blame Queen Naerys nor Aemon the Dragonknight for having a few entanglements, considering the circumstances of her marriage." Aerion shrugged. "Aegon the Unworthy was a terribly cruel husband and a King that was a hundred times worse than a figurehead. In truth, the more dishonour that is placed on his name... the better."

"Even if he is a Targaryen King of the past?"

"He should be remembered as an example of what a King should not do." Aerion nodded. "That man was an absolute fool who only knew how to service himself and the Realm bled for his actions... ancestor or not, I will not be ignorant to that fact."

"I see... well, what story are you going to tell?"

'Let me think... oh, this one should do.'

"A more so amusing than a grand tale, the one of Laenor Velaryon who was the son of one of the greatest men who ever lived."

'Corlys Velaryon... a man who shares in my restlessness, to say the least. One of my inspirations.'

"A son of Corlys Velaryon?"

"Yes... his was a most interesting life. Laenor Velaryon's claim to the Iron Throne, despite not holding the Targaryen name directly, was very strong and notable. His mother, Rhaenys Targaryen was the eldest granddaughter of Jaehaerys the Wise. She was known as the 'Queen Who Never Was' since she had been passed up in regards to succession many times... her mother was Jocelyn Baratheon, too. The fact that Laenor Velaryon's mother could very well have been Queen while his father was debatably the greatest seafarer to ever live, leading House Velaryon to possess riches that surpassed even House Lannister of that time... what could ever go wrong with this young lord?"

"Oh... I know, he's the one who married Queen Rhaenyra and all three of his children looked like one of the knights who accompanied her."

"Damn... you know too much." Aerion shook his head, laughing. "Yes, that man much preferred the company of men rather than women. It is said that Rhaenyra once jested that her half-brothers would've been a better match for his marriage than herself... she was a lustful and beautiful woman so the match naturally didn't work out. In the end, Laenor Velaryon accomplished very little with his existence... other than making the boys and men around him feel unease."

"They perhaps felt more than unease..." Jocelyn Baratheon chuckled.

"I believe that Laenor Velaryon was more of a receiver," Aerion replied, laughing.

"Right... that would make more sense- wait... where would he be receiving?"

'I have said too much...'

"... I believe that we have strayed too far in that matter. You don't need to know, really."

"So he was a sword swallower?"

'A sword swallower-'

Aerion couldn't help but laugh. "You know too much for a girl your age."

"I... might." Jocelyn Baratheon pouted a little, deciding to change the subject. "Imagine if you could bring back dead people from the distant past... like that Corlys Velaryon, the Dragonknight, Jaehaerys the Wise, Aegon the Conqueror, Daeron the Good..."

"Oh, I'd love a Dragonknight in the ranks of my Kingsguard." Aerion no longer leaned on the wall, his turquoise eyes shining. "If I had enough souls to exchange, I very well could have the greatest gathering of men serving me. That being said... I'm conflicted between giving these great men the right to rest or taking that right away from them."

"Hmmm... so you can bring them back?"

"Yes, under the right circumstances."

"Then I want to meet them all... don't you?" Jocelyn Baratheon's requesting blue eyes were hard to reject. "Even for a short while. You can let go of them afterwards if they don't like it... most people don't like dying, you know."

'Most Kings are not used to kneeling before someone that is not their father, either. But I could teach them to do that.'

"You're giving me some ideas..." Aerion grinned a little, patting her head affectionately. "That's my Jocelyn. I'll see what I can do in the future in regards to this matter."

'Alongside meeting and perhaps having these great men serve me, I do want to see the beautiful Shiera Seastar. Queen Rhaenyra would be amusing to meet, too... I have a feeling that we may even get along in the bedroom. She likes her knights and warriors... so who is more fitting than the King of Knights himself?'

'My priority is to be whole again, above all else, however.'

"Aww... you're leaving already?"

Aerion faced the door and nodded. "It's time for you to rest, princess."

"Only if you promise to start teaching me how to fight with a sword."

"A what-" Aerion stopped in his tracks. "For the last time, you're a princess, not a warrior."

"A princess can be both." Jocelyn Baratheon pouted, refuting Aerion's statement. "I am the daughter of Robert Baratheon, if you have forgotten."

"Perhaps if you were his son, I'd consider it... learning to fight would simply be a waste of your time as a girl. Your mind is far more useful than whatever sword you're thinking of wielding."

"I want to be strong, too..." She countered once again. "If you don't, then I'll just find someone else to teach me. Hmph, I know you like women who can fight yet you're against the thought of me learning how to. It doesn't really make sense, does it?"

"... Hm, if you want to be a warrior to impress me, you're doing it all for the wrong reasons."

"That's just an incentive on the side... I want to be strong for myself, too. Queen Visenya, the sister-wife of Aegon often duelled with her brother and fought in many battles atop her dragon and even on the ground. She was as wise a queen as any other, ruling day-to-day alongside her sister. So why can't I be the same?"

Aerion turned around and faced her, locking eyes for a few seconds. He saw a certain determination that reminded himself of a certain someone... similar to the flaming violet eyes he would see in the mirror years ago. Not even for a moment did Jocelyn Baratheon break eye contact, making Aerion smile for a moment.

'Is this what they call the wolf blood...'

"Fine." Aerion sighed, finally deciding as he blinked. "I will train you to fight myself... but if you prove to be helpless, I won't hesitate to cut you off. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my betrothed." Jocelyn Baratheon giggled cheerfully. "I'm going to one day crush all of your Kingsguard at a tourney and name you my Emperor of Love and Beauty!"

"I- hahahahahaha! Emperor of Love and Beauty... oh my, hahahahaha." Aerion couldn't help but laugh at something so absurd. One thing was for certain, he always enjoyed her company. After he stopped laughing, he took a deep breath and composed himself.

"Listen here, Jocelyn. My Kingsguard are not some group of green boys I picked off the street, they're the finest men in all of the known world. That is why there are only five of them... because no one else has proven themselves worthy. The only way you can even hope to catch up is through a combination of tremendous physical magic, natural talent and experience."

"... Can I learn magic, then?"

"Perhaps... but don't get too excited now."

Aerion glanced at his hand before turning to the door, snuffing out all of the lit candles with a flick of his fingers.

"If you stay up too late, the dragon of the night will eat you up." Aerion jested as he made his leave.

"As if he exists..."


After a night with both Arianne Martell and Ashara Dayne, he left them both satisfied before going out into the night. This time, he brought along the Tome of Hematomancy and flicked it open while he sat in one of the courtyards.

"It has been so long since I've had a good meal..." The spirit within spoke.

"Was the last of my blood not enough?"

"Well... it was plentiful. Delicious, even. I could've already broken free from this accursed book because of it."

"You chose not to?"

"A prideful being such as myself wouldn't choose an unworthy vessel. She has to be a beauty, preferably young and seductive with voluptuous breasts and an exotic appearance that stands out. It should not be someone you hold dear, either... as that wouldn't sit well with you."

'Did she just describe my type of woman?'

"... I see." Aerion stroked his chin. "Be honest, do you know of a way to make me whole again?"

"And if I did, my sweet Dragon Emperor? What would you do for me..."

"Eh, you greedy woman." Aerion shook his head, sighing. "I've fed you so well over the years and it's still not enough..."

"All of last year you gave me one goat, four ravens and three dead dogs in total..."

"Ah... but that was enough to keep you going, was it not?" Aerion smiled, chuckling a little.

"See, you call me greedy but you may very well be the penny-pinching one." The spirit replied. "First, I require a worthy vessel to be reborn in myself. Secondly, I will need you to stay very still during the process of your rebirth and allow me to do what I need to do. Thirdly... you shouldn't expect to have children often afterwards. Even if you do, they are likely to die prematurely or turn out to be abominations. Fourthly, be prepared to develop a true thirst for blood, human blood in particular... and for that to be your source of living."


"A true thirst for blood..." Aerion thought, stroking his chin. "What, will I become an animal?"

"You will maintain your beautiful appearance or even enhance it further, you can rest assured. Either you use this... less than holy method or you can spend hundreds of years attempting to master Light Magic to where you can perfectly rebirth yourself. Given your talents, you may even do it in less than a hundred years. Is that worthwhile waiting for?"

"Not at all."

"Then come to me when you are ready."

Putting on his Crown of Necromancy, Aerion closed his eyes and made an Empire-wide order to find him a fitting red priestess. All across the known world, Soul Knights started to search for the one he desired. After that was done, he decided to rest in his bedchamber for once. He wondered if he could dream again...

Ashara and Arianne tended to sleep in the Emperor's bedchamber together. They loved each other almost as much as they loved their lord husband, in truth. As a result, even if he didn't feel up to it... they still had each other's company. However, they would still compete for his affection, from time to time.

This sense of competition was only natural... and it used to make his nights more fun.

Guarding the door was Robert Baratheon who looked pretty bored, sitting near the door with his warhammer beside him on the wall. Even though he was sitting, there was not a man in the known world who was brave enough to walk past him. Even so... Aerion couldn't help but frown a little.

"Kingsguard are meant to stand when they guard, Ser Robert." Aerion reminded him, sighing.

"Oh... my apologies." Robert Baratheon chuckled, standing up. "Knees got sore for a moment."

"Stand straight." Aerion's eyes flashed emerald as he ordered, leading to Robert Baratheon standing up straighter than an arrow.

"Well, did you 'think' on the matter yet?"

"After a talk with Jocelyn, I've decided to accept her hand." Aerion observed Robert Baratheon's expression, who was not that much taller than him. "What drove you to make such a decision, I wonder..."

"I trust you to treat my daughter better than any other man, Aerion." Robert Baratheon stated, chuckling. "She is so stubborn in getting her way... that girl of mine and so is her mother who wouldn't stop pestering me. I doubt my princess would ever look at another, in truth. Nor are there any other candidates that I consider worthy."

"That's... almost heartwarming to hear coming from you."

Aerion smiled, sharing a mutual look of respect. This exchange was more powerful than any string of words could be. For the better part of three years, they had constantly clashed in spars and gained a better understanding of each other through that way. The conquests that Robert partook in under Aerion, too... there was no man alive that Robert admired more in regards to martial prowess.

He was also thankful towards Aerion for him sorting out the drama with Lyanna and the fact that Jocelyn had been giving him reasons to feel proud. Artos, too, had been rather involved with the Kingsguard when he was in the capital. The lessons they taught him had made his son into a fine young warrior alongside his ward status under Stannis that had been forming him into a proper lord. Embarrassingly enough, although Robert would never admit it openly, it was Aerion who was taking care of the future of his children.

"Don't get too flattered." Robert Baratheon stated.

"Hmph... I'll be retiring for the night. Ensure that no one interrupts my rest."

"I thought you'd never sleep again."

"Dreams are a wonderful and insightful thing," Aerion replied. "I simply miss them."

"Heh... I don't see the appeal of dreams."

"You've never dreamt of the future, then."

Aerion made one final remark before slipping into his bedchamber. It was rather dark but his eyes could see through the darkness rather easily. Piece by piece, he removed his garments before slithering in between his two wives.

After he embraced Arianne from the front, he closed his eyes and tried to feel her warmth.


After drifting off, he saw glimpses... not of the future but the past. Two valyrian sisters, the conquest, a King atop his dragon preparing to burn a sept, an old and wise King at his deathbed... the glimpses ended with a proper vision.

He glanced at his clothes, realising that he bore the crest of House Velaryon first and foremost. Before him was what he'd call a perfect valyrian beauty; silver-gold hair, ethereal lilac eyes, a proud and high look with a large bosom to boot. She was dressed in purple velvets that were decorated with golden myrish lace...

As he observed her body, a fire ignited from within. Just as he pushed her down onto their bed and started to get a good feel, his dream turned to ash.


Aerion woke up with a disappointed expression... realising that the tempting breasts he had tried to touch were but a dream. Once his disappointed expression faded, he simply laughed to himself.

'Did I perhaps dream of being Laenor Velaryon?'

'How absurd...'
