
Hayley Summer Sky and Lulu Liu jeff Hoodie and Ben go out

My p.o.v Come on girl's the boy's are waiting outside for us I said okay they said coming downstairs you guy's look so cute I said thanks Hayley they said same with you Hayley Summer said *the girls go outside* Liu p.o.v Babe you look so cute I said thanks love she said Jeff p.o.v wow Summer you look so cute I said thanks babe she said Hoodie p.o.v wow my love you look so beautiful I said thanks love she said Ben p.o.v wow you look so pertty I said thanks babe she said My p.o.v okay now let's go and see the star's I said yeah summer and sky said okay calm down girl's Liu Jeff and Hoodie said okay we said My p.o.v *kisses Liu cheek* Summer: *kisses Jeff cheek* Sky p.o.v *kisses Hoodie cheek* Lulu p.o.v *kisses ben cheek* the boys p.o.v Thank you babe's we said your welcome love's they said *we they got to the stargaze place* My p.o.v the star look so pertty I said yeah Summer Sky and Lulu said *20 hours later* My p.o.v *fell asleep* Summer p.o.v *fell asleep* Sky p.o.v *fell asleep* Lulu P.o.v *fell asleep* Liu p.o.v *looks over and see all the girl's are asleep* *picks up Hayley* Jeff p.o.v *picks up Summer* Hoodie P.o.v *picks up Sky* Ben p.o.v *picks up Lulu* *when they got home and put the girls to bed*

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