
Threats and Promises

"What?" I finally managed to speak. I could feel blood flowing down my chest as her grip tightened, threatening to crush my throat. She lifted me up as the bright blue tendrils wrapped around my body. She held me like that for a short while, before dropping me back to the ground.

I fell on the marble floor with a muffled thud.

"That's right," She said with a cold voice. "Wait," She suddenly added with a surprised expression. "You don't know?" She said as I tried to get up. She lightly waved her hand and the tendrils wrapped themselves tighter and pulled me to the ground.

"What are you talking about?" I asked through my clenched teeth. Laying on my side, I was completely defenceless. I tried to use Fallen Grace, but my mana refused to obey me. So, I wasn't able to use magic here. That was good to know in advance.

"You truly have no clue, do you?" She said, reaching towards me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted. "Let go of me!"

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