


I found myself sitting under an apple tree, a warm breeze blowing my red locks just enough that I could see the ocean beyond. Every facet was as good as a mirror and a different hue of blue.

How odd I thought, that I had never noticed how many shades of blue there are. It occurred to me that I was a good deal older than I felt, my neck hadn't been without pain these past year yet I sat slumped like a kid, my legs jutted up like coat-hanger wires.

God, I need some popcorn.

I haven't had it in a long time.

Yes, two weeks is a long time. 

It's almost an eternity for me. 

Wait a minute, why is everything so dark? Did I forget to turn on the light in my room? No, this doesn't feel like my room.

This can't be my room unless it has an ocean.

Where the hell am I?

The whole area was dark but for some reason it had this light too. 

It was dark and it was light. 

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