


The day ended as quick as my happy moments do. I was lying in my bed, the one that was softer than any bed I had ever slept in, but I still couldn't get myself to sleep. I wondered if this what they mean they say, money or luxury can't buy you peace. 

There was this huge window on the wall right next to me. But it didn't give me a clear view of the world outside at all. All I could see were thick fir trees and the dark black sky. 

Hell I couldn't even see the moon.

The moon.

Ophelia loved the moon. 

I wonder if she believed the lies I spoke to Luco. I hope she didn't. If she did, I hope she tries to see through this fog. 

After I left the health wing, Luco asked me to take a day off. He said, and I quotes, "your weak ass can't take anything right now."

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