


"So the Mitochondria produces energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate, that is ATP-"

I was angry.

No, scratch that.

I was pissed.

After all this, Xavier had the nerve to ignore me. I mean, I can't understand how he could just walk away.

I needed him to trust me. To believe me when I say, I wouldn't leave.

The only way, I could get him to do that was communication. And his dumb ass kept running away from me.

He was the moon in the night sky.

I, a plain mortal, chasing the shy moon.

His confession from last night came to my mind. I couldn't believe Nicole's nerve. She believed her abusive father instead of her whole family. She is one of the main reasons, Xavier doesn't feel worthy enough to live.

The bell rang as we collected our books. My Biology teacher looked up at me as I was leaving.

This meant only one thing.

"Ms. White, could you please have a seat for a few minutes. I have something I need to talk to you about."

Were my grades going down? My grades were one thing that I was proud of. Biology, being my favorite subject, was too important to me.

I wanted to maintain a straight-A record in this subject.

"Yes, miss. Is everything alright?"

Miss Smita looked at me through her glasses as her eyes burned a gigantic hole on my face.

"I have noticed that you have been slightly unfocused in my class. Is there anything you'd like to talk about? Remember, this is a safe place."

A friend of mine has committed suicide and I traveled back in time to change his mind while the Death himself is behind us.

Above all that, I think I'm catching feelings for that idiot.

"Yes miss. Everything is fine. I'm sorry for being a little distracted in class, I'll take care."

She sighed deeply as her hand balanced her head. She rubbed her eyes and then finally looked at me.

"Could you please show me the number on your wrist?"

My heart skipped a beat as I heard those words slip out of her mouth.

Did she know?

"Miss, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know that there is a number printed on your right hand. So, tell me who is it? Is it a student here?"

Was this really happening?

Or was my mind just making all this up?

Were there people, other than me, that were sent back in time to prevent someone from ending their lives.

"It is Xavier Diego. I have 16 days left."

I saw her take in a sharp breath. She was shocked.

Just like I was when I got to know what Xavier had done.

"That isn't a lot of time left, Ophelia. Please be careful, okay?"

I could see the concern in her eyes. She was a great teacher. One of my favorites, actually. She was like a mother to me and someone I wouldn't forget to meet at all the school reunions.

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking, who were you assigned to save?"

She looked down at her hands in her lap and looked back up with tears glistening in her eyes.


My eyes widened at what she had just said. That must have been hard. I mean, convincing yourself not to end it would be next to impossible.

"I'm glad you were able to do it, Miss.", and with that, I took my leave. I walked over to the cafeteria for lunch and saw Xavier sitting alone. He was reading a book, I couldn't see which one. His eyebrows tense and his shoulders stiff.

He looked so focused. His chest rose and fell as he took even breaths. His eyes looked calm for once. The wildfire had died down.

As someone walked past me, they accidentally hit my shoulder and then apologized. That shook me up.

I was being creepy.

Like, really creepy.

I was staring at the boy I am supposed to save while standing in the middle of a cafeteria.

I took in a deep breath to gather all the courage left in me. But as soon as I exhaled, that courage flew right out of me.

I glided onto the seat in front of him. He still didn't notice me.

Or at least pretended not to.


His nose was still in that damn book.


He looked up with not an inch of regret on his face.

"Are you talking to me?"

Sarcasm; a powerful language with swords so sharp that it could annoy you until you die.

"No, I'm talking to myself."

He shook his head as if he was disappointed at a kid. As if he wasn't being one himself.

"Anyway, do you wanna accompany me to a party tonight? It's gonna be fun."

He shut his book and then looked at me. His eyes were cold.

For the first time, there was no warmth left in there for me.


He was pretending, right?

I mean, he couldn't just stop caring out of nowhere, could he?

"Listen, Xavier, just because you don't wanna be my friend anymore, it doesn't mean that I don't want to. You are coming to that party with me and I don't care if I have to drag you there."

Xavier seemed unfazed.

"You have a shift today, right? I'll pick up at 8:30. Wear something casual."

Xavier looked back down and continued reading. He munched on his granola bar like I wasn't even here.

I couldn't believe this guy. First, he ignores me and now he has the guts to act like I'm not even here.

I had to look past all this. He was trying to piss me off and push me away. This wasn't who Xavier truly was. He was that warm-hearted guy that would make you smile even when there was no light left within him.

But all this changes when he realizes that things are getting serious. Somehow in the back of his head, he knew I wouldn't leave.

And maybe, just maybe, that is what scared him.

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