

It was pretty windy today and my auburn hair blew in the air. My hair reached up to my knees and I absolutely loved them. It's just that windy days, which are my favorite, and my long hair don't go together.

I search for a hair elastic in my bag and thank the lord when I find one. I gather all my hair in one hand and tie my hair in a high ponytail.

As I walk towards the entrance skateboard park, I hear the laughter of all the kids who are around our age. Laughter is said to be the best medicine, isn't it? Then why do I always see him smiling but never happy.

He was this sunflower that couldn't find his sun and I was assigned to become the light of his world.

I look around for Xavier once I enter the park and find him standing against the tree. He had changed out of his work clothes and was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of grey jeans.

His jeans reminded me of his heart.

He was looking down at his feet. He looked deep in his thoughts. His jawline was as sharp as a knife. He had a pretty face, no doubt. I wonder why he never had a girlfriend.

He saw me looking at him so I quickly waved at him. I ran up to him, and asked if he knew how to skateboard.

"Yeah I do, I mean not all those fancy tricks but I do know how to move on it without falling and cracking my head open."

He tried to bring a smile on other's faces even when he didn't have one. He was a pure soul that life had tortured.

I laughed even though my heart felt heavy.

"I can have my moments. I like to see smiles on people's faces. At least this way I can get something god didn't give me."

As I looked into his eyes, I saw everything he tried to hide. In those two seconds, I saw a little boy in search of light. His eyes held this innocence that matched those of a five year old but these eyes had seen pain.

I knew, they had.

And then it was back. That shield of fake smiles that he wore to hide the pain that burned inside of him. He didn't want others to get burned so he stood in that fire alone.

I wanted to say something.


But he beat me to it.

''If you don't mind me asking, when are your friends joining us?"

I knew I shouldn't have lied. I mentally face palmed myself as I wondered what to tell him. I looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Actually, they wouldn't be joining us. It's going to be the two of us only."

"Oh, ok. Want to see who can go higher?"

After spend few hours on the ramp, we finally decided to stop.

We spotted a tree and decided to rest a while under it before heading back home.

"So Ophelia, if you don't mind me asking, why the sudden interest to become a lonely boy's friend? I mean I am not the ideal guy anyone would want."

It pained me to know how he saw himself. He was a ragged soul and he knew it but what he didn't know was that he was also pure soul that this world needed.

"I mean we did that project together and I did want to continue being your friend. It's just that a few family problems had come up and I couldn't focus on my social life. Also why wouldn't people want to be your friend. You are a great person, Xavier. I know it and you should know it too."

He looked taken back when I was done ranting.

"Anyways. it is getting late. I think we should head home. We can meet up at the Cozy Coffee cafe around the block tomorrow to complete our assignments."

Once he agreed, we parted ways.

I just hope we never have to do that for good.

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