
Sword's Curse

Lux let go of the sword as he knelt down, screaming in agony. Just hearing his scream had let everybody know how painful he was experiencing right now. His friends wanted to help him but they didn't know how to since they didn't know what's going on.

Finally, Aram, one of Lux's friends, steeled his resolve and went to Lux who was still in extreme pain. Then he asked, "Young Master, what's happening? Tell me so that I can help you."

Right now, Lux had a skin of red and pale face. His veins were also bulging for some unknown reason. Aram didn't know what's happening, not even an ounce of knowledge about this. It wasn't like this when Lux failed for the first time.

Lux looked at Aram and looked like he wanted to say something. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so because of the excruciating pain he was feeling.

The fans of Lux in the crowd were also nervous. They didn't know what's going on but it's definitely not good.

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