
Ben the gravedigger

In the middle of Barbosa's MMA Gym, the first round for the purple belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament began and Ben faced off against his first opponent. Well, opponent was one way to describe him; a more appropriate one might be victim.

"Get off me!" The man yelled as Ben whispered sweet nothings into his ear…

With a gentle smile, Ben showed the extent of his upgraded personal talent. Yet, instead of doing that through BJJ, he instead showed it through cursing. "You talk like you got home schooled but only for Sex Ed. class."

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The other purple belts surrounding the area all looked at each other with blank expressions.

"The hell was that?"

All they saw was a white belt taking down a purple belt, which was shocking enough. Yet, Ben only needed to get top position on him for a dozen seconds before forcing the opponent to quit out of nowhere. They didn't hear what Ben said, but that only made them more confused.

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