

It has been 2 months since Roman started selling weapons and boy was business good Lasrifles sold like hotcakes. He had bought a warehouse then expanded its underground creating a tunnel to a large weapons factory that has golems building all sorts of weapons most the public doesn't even know exists ranging from AM2 weapons, plasma weapons from halo which is less deadly than the plasma weapons Roman made first they are way less likely to explode on you, Forerunner weapons, A large selection of chain weapons and power weapons, etc. |An if you have any ideas for some stupid bullshit weapons from Sci-fi or fantasy let me know I will probably use them in this story.|

During this time he and Neo have been expanding the gang recruiting people from the slums and various other ways. Not that this time has been all smooth sailing when they were getting started they had to fight off a couple of gangs that were out either for revenge or to get the hands-on the secret to who makes Lasrifles. One more headache for Roman was a sheep Faunus kid named Shepherd they pulled him out of the slums, he walked in well Roman was making the tunnel, then again when he was making the golems, and finally, when he was making a needler Shepherd started worshiping Roman like a god, and Neo thought it was the funniest shit until Shepherd started worshiping her as a goddess.

Romans pulled up the gang manager.

[The Merchants

Number of Members: 37

Leadership: Boss Roman Torchwick

Little Boss Neopolitan

Zealot Shepherd Crimson

Inquisitor Bubble

Talker Lec

Commander Onyx

Recruiter Lazu

Number of Minions: 30

Number of Drones: 50

Gang Activities: Arms Dealing}

Now the menu didn't look like that when he first got it it had a much more boring hierarchy which went like this.

Leadership: Leader Roman Torchwick

Vice Leader Neopolitan

Aide Shepherd Crimson

Enforcer Bubble

Diplomat Lec

Commander Onyx

Recruiter Lazu

He had later found out he could edit the titles and even add more spots for leadership roles. Needless to say, he had gotten stabbed by Neo when he had messed around and changed her name to Little Boss. He had also increased the size of his Inner Circle then he had given the members of his Inner Circle Leadership roles in his gang, besides Shepherd all the rest of them had earned their rank through various means. Shepherd, on the other hand, Neo had invited for her amusement and made him start learning how to fight and how to make sweets, Roman intervened and made sure he could make other things as well.

Now He and Neo are heading to Mr. Xiong's bar, Mr. Xiong had sent a runner, a runner for god's sake to tell them he needed to talk to them urgently. Arriving at the bar they make their way to the bar music assaulting their ears as they move through the club the dance floor full of people living in the moment, and the bar was full of people that will regret it the next day for the people they wake up next to or the hangover after reaching the bar they were directed into a private room in the back. They sit down waiting for Mr. Xiong arrived a couple of minutes later.

"So what is so important that you had to send a runner for us Mr. Xiong," Roman asks watching the man who looks to have aged a couple of years.

"I'm very sorry Roman they made me do it if I didn't they would have killed me, I didn't want to do it," Mr. Xiong says well looking at the table.

"For fucks sake this is really happening," Roman just sighs.

"Hello, Roman you should have chosen beater friends now you will introduce us to the one making these wonderful weapons called Lasrifles, after all, it would be a shame if your lovely companion got injured," A man says as he walks into the room.

This man has deathly pale white skin, a thin sunken face, yellowing teeth, and blackening skin around his mouth and nose. He wears a pair of baggy jeans 5 sizes to big, old beat-up old yellow tennis shoes, a large yellow faded raincoat that was just hanging on him open, and a yellow shirt with a black and red symbol of a human riding a Beowolf.

"So who might you be, never mind you are with the Beowolf Riders one of the biggest gangs in Vale focused on selling drugs and whose most popular product is called Cristal Grimm, and you seem to have smoked a bit too much of your own gang's product I will call you Mob A, now Mob A what do you want," Roman reclines in his seat looking very comfortable.

"Wh..Wh...What the hell did you say to me boys get in here seams the upstarts want to do this the hard way," 20 people funnel into the room all holding SMG pointing them at Neo and Roman Mob A grabs a Lasrifle from one of his minions.

"Look, you guys if you want to live I would advise you to put the guns and walk away," Roman tells the minions calmly.

"That's funny now you are going to answer our question or we will torture the information out of you before we kill you and your companion will have some real fun with me." Mob A aiming the Lasrifle at Roman well the minions' laugh one of them jokes about them maybe getting a taste after.

"Neo, capture Mob A with all his limbs attached. I would like to have a long talk about manners with him," Roman says well quickly pulling out his plasma pistol quickly getting off five rounds into four of the grunts' heads before throwing himself to the side out of the way of the return fire.

Neo just shatters like glass as the bullets hit where she was Mob A is suddenly thrown through the door of the private room landing on the dance floor as the nightclub's guests are evacuating. Mob A gets up and pulls a knife out of his jacket having lost his Lasgun preparing to fight Neo he sees her walking up to him with a condescending smile on her face. Roman doges out of the backroom he quickly lets off five more shots killing three more grunts putting the plasma pistol away he moves away from the door as the area right in front of it is turned into swiss cheese, he then pulls out a gray revolver with glowing orange lines going all the way across the weapon, the revolver was about 13 inches long, two inches wide, and 5 inches tall.

Mob A charges at Neo attempting to stab her; she just slides under his arm dragging hush's unpowered blade softly across his leg. Roman brings up his revolver pulling the trigger well aiming at the first minion that comes through the doorway a beam of orange light accompanied by a strange hum of energy hits the minion who's Aura resists for a millisecond then turns to dust followed quickly by two others. Mob A gets close to the dropped Lasrifle grabbing it quickly he points it at Neo who opens Hush quickly Mob A pulls the trigger of the Lasrifle the red lasers hitting Hush not damaging it at all.

Roman moves closer to the doorway to the private room with the revolver in one hand and a new cane in the other this cane is a solid white shaft an orange collar and ferrule with a black curved handle, he walks right into the room where the last are milling around holding his cane near the ferrule the top half of the cane glows orange Roman quickly brings it through a five of the closest minions tearing them in half the rest drop their weapons pleading for mercy they get none with five barks of his revolver. Mob A is lying into Neo who suddenly shatters before he can even blink the gun in his hand is cut in half and the world goes black.

I tried something new for the fight please tell me if this is better then the way I did the fight of Neo and Roman vs Amber and STRQ also the updates might slow down depending on how my interview goes tomorrow so wish me luck at my job interview, please

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