
That Means I'm Dead

"What's the next step?" Feng asked.

"We wait, of course," said Prince Qui. The Traveling Nightmare at this point was only a day away from where their camp was. Indeed, they already spotted where the Heping army was.

Tomorrow, it could be their do or die. 

Prince Qui already moved camp closer to the mountains. He had moved the supplies behind it for safekeeping. Everything has to be guarded, especially their ammo and heavy artillery. It was expensive to create guns, much more the bullets. 

"No heavy machinery sighted in The Traveling Nightmare," recounted Bolin, who remembered it from the morning briefing. "Do we have to pull out the big guns?"

"I'll pull whatever I can pull to make sure that we're going to win this."

His men looked at the situated canons at the foot of the mountain. "I have zero doubts now," whispered Bolin against the air.

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