
"Rooftop Drama-1"

"What are you doing outside?!" Lucian said in a loud voice as he and Sanya got out of the elevator, "Who let you out?" he asked, then made sure that Sanya's behind him. Then, the elevator closed.

"A traitor let us out," the gecko mutant answered.

"Traitor?" Sanya asked for clarification. In only a year, she had encountered many traitors already, and she hoped that she wouldn't have to meet any more of them in the future. "Who… Who's the traitor?"

"I'll tell you who's the traitor, but under one condition," the octopus mutant told the two scientists, smirking, "The female scientist comes with us."

The furious Lucian yelled, "No way! I will never let you touch Sanya-"

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