
Are you retarded?

Katherine and her sister sit on the chair waiting for their turn, She came here today hoping that she will get the job.

Katherine is someone with special needs and sometimes she needs to take care of, After her mother died she was left with no one to support her financially, Her sister and her husband are could barely take care of their children so she didn't want to add to their burden.

The Ray company has announced that she will be offering a job for people like her with special needs like her.

This the first time that Katherine has applied for a job, In the past her mother refused to let her work, She took care of everything she needs and never let her feel that she is a burden to her.

She wondered if she is going to make in this cruel world without her mother?

"Katherine it's your turn." She heard her sister said as she helped her to stand up.

Katherine felt very nervous and scared as she slowly walked inside the room.


Five minutes later.

The door was opened and Katherine came out, She wasn't as nervous as before now, The interview went smoother than she thought, Now she could only hope that she will get the job.

"Did it went well?" Her sister asked.

Katherine nodded her head."Yes, They said that they are going to call me." She replied.

"Alright, Let's go back now." Her sister said.

"Do you want something special for dinner?" Katherine sister asked She was trying to not make her sister lonely.

"Anything you cook is delicious." Katherine replied and then heard her sister phone ringing.

"It's the kid's school." Her sister said before she answered the phone.

while her sister was on the phone, Katherine went to find a place to sit on and waited for her sister, knowing that the phone call will be long.

Katherine was walking not knowing that there is someone walking towards her as he was speaking on the phone.

And suddenly she was knocked off on the ground twisting her ankle in the process.

"Are you blind, Watch where you walk." The man said as he ducted his suit.

Katherine felt her ankle started to become swollen.

"Katherine, Are you alright?" Her sister rushed to her side when she saw what happened.

Turning to the stupid man, Her sister said."Are you retarded? Can't you notice that she is blind..."

"Grace, Let's leave, It was my fault." Katherine said stopping her sister from getting the both of them in big trouble.

Owen stood there stunned, How careless of him, He should have noticed that the girl is blind.

"I'm very sorry, Please allow to take you to the hospital to get your leg checked." Owen said and was about to help Katherine stand up but Her sister slapped his hand.

"Don't touch her, You have done enough damage." Grace said and helped her sister to stand up.

"Can you walk?" Grace asked.

"Yes, It doesn't hurt that much." Katherine said and both of them left leaving the shocked man behind them.

Owen felt very terrible for saying what he said to her.

"Boss, The meeting is about to start." His assistant said.

Owen looked at the girl who was leaving for the last time before he entered the elevator.

"Do think that by what I said hurt her?" Owen asked his assistant.

"Do you want to hear the truth or do you want me to lie?" She asked wanting to confirm.

"The truth." Owen said

"Well, If I was I blind person and someone that that to me, of course, is going to hurt me." His assistant replied making him feel worse than he is already feeling.

Katherine and Owen cover is in the comments.

The cover is not mine.

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