
Before the Fight

Moby was escorted down the long flight of stairs and was led down a hallway lit up by yellow-tinted lamps on the red-painted walls. The walls themeslves hosted large, fancy doors and at the end of the hallway lied a lifting gate with a vast open area ahead, which he could only conclude to be the battle arena. 

"Over here…" The woman escorting him spoke as she opened one of the side doors, motioning him to go in. 

Moby simply nodded and did as he was told. 

When he entered, he found the room to be rather small, at most he estimated a 3-meters by 3-meter area, only enough for a couch, table, toilet, along with some open area for him to walk around and move his legs. It was barely even enough space to stretch, but for his purposes, it was more than enough so he didn't complain

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