
Legend....wait for it....dary

When Kira woke up he enjoyed a nice hot shower as he had been bathing in a lake since he left, once he was finished he had put on his uniform and walked outside of his room, that's when he heard Ruby

"I'll be right back!" Ruby said as The sound of collision was heard as Ruby seems to slam into someone

"Oo-oof!" Ruby

"Oh g-!" Ruby said as she looked up

"Sorry. Are you okay?" Ruby

"I'm fine. Just watch where you're going." The green haired woman said

"Oh, right, sorry. Um, I'm Ruby! Are you new?" Ruby

"Visiting from Haven, actually." Another woman said as she walked from behind the green haired girl

"Haven huh?, never been but heard they have some great food there" Kira said as he joined in on the conversation drawing everyone's attention

"Oh and who might you be?" The woman said

"Kira, and you are?" Kira

"Cinder, this is Emerald and Mercury" Cinder said as she pointed to the green haired girl and the silver haired man beside her

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you three, if you all ever need any help don't hesitate to ask, it'll be my pleasure" Kira said with a smirk that only Cinder could tell had an evil intention behind it

"Well we'll have to take you up on that offer, but for now he have to get going" Cinder said as she walked away with the other's

"Uh, your building is just east of here." Ruby said as she stood next to Kira while watching the three of them walk off

"Thanks. Maybe we'll see you around." Cinder

"Yeah, maybe! Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!" Ruby

"Well why was you in such a rush?" Kira

"OH, i forgot my board game in the library yesterday" Ruby

"Ok well i'll walk with you to get it, we haven't hung out by our self's in quite awhile since i left and all" Kira said as he and Ruby started to walk next to each other to the library while chatting

----Next Day----

Right now Kira and the other's were in class, Kira noticed that the girl's seem to be waiting for the class to end, even Weiss who has her Scroll out checking the time, waiting for the last minute to run out so she could leave

"So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?" Jaune Turns to the teacher for a second, then turns back around

"And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome." Jaune Pauses as his words have no effect

"Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know." Jaune

"Bro just stop" Kira said as he couldn't stand to see this any longer

"Yeah you're right" Jaune said as he slumped down in his seat

"You know, i know a girl who want's to go out with you" Kira said making Jaune's ear's to perk up

"R-really who?" Jaune

"Pyrrha" Kira

"W-what, no way" Jaune

"Listen to me bro, trust me if you ask her out she'll say yes" Kira

"You think so?" Jaune

"Yep" Kira said as the bell then rang causing everyone to start leaving, walking out of the class room Kira seen Team Rwby and decided to leave them be for now, so he started to walk off to his room

Arriving back at his room Kira decided to use the Weapon ticket he had gotten a while back to make a katana

"Ayano, i want to use the weapon ticket i got" Kira

[Understood, what do you want it to look like] Ayano

"I want Genji sword off of Overwatch" Kira

[Alright, right away] Ayano said as a bright flash of light filled Kira's room, but it went away in a matter of second's, Kira opened his eye's and looked forward and floating in front of him is a green and silver sword, Kira grabbed the sword and swung it around a couple time's to get a fill for it

"Haha, perfect" Kira said as he changed into his regular outfit and strapped his new sword on his back then he walked out of his room only to see team Rwby along with Sun and Neptune

"Oh hey Kira" Sun

"Sup, what are y'all doing here" Kira asked

"Oh, were going to help them with a investigation" Sun

"Oh, well do you guy's need another set of hand's" Kira

"No wer-" Weiss was about to say but had her mouth covered by Ruby

"Yeah that'll be great you can come with me and Weiss" Ruby

"Okay sound's fun, you can fill me in on what were investigating on the way" Kira said as he walked next to Ruby, that's when she noticed the sword on Kira's back

"Ooh you got a new sword, can i see?" Ruby said as she drew everyone's attention

"Woah don't you have like three weapon's already?" Yang

"Well let me thing i have i think four of five" Kira

"Why buy so many" Weiss

"He doesn't he make's them" Ruby

"Really wow, you're awesome, think you can make me something?" Sun

"No, i make weapon's for me and that's it" Kira

"Huh, why" Sun

"Because i don't want to make a weapon and then it be used to kill a innocent person" Kira said as he and the other's reached outside, they then went there separate way's, while walking Ruby explained everything to Kira until they arrived at the transmit tower

"Woooow! I forget how big the Transmit tower looks up close!" Ruby

"You should see the one in Atlas!" Weiss

"That was the first one, right?" Kira

"Correct." Weiss, Ruby and Kira are walking down the path towards the building

"Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War." Weiss

"Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich!" Ruby

"Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!" Weiss

"I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!" Ruby said as She grabs her Scroll from a pocket on her clothes, but in her excitement, the device is launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it lands at a girl's feet.

"Oh You dropped this." The girl picked up the phone to return it to Ruby

"Penny?!" Ruby shouted towards the girl

"Uuuh" Penny said in surprise

"Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that night at the docks!" Ruby

"Yeah we were worried about you just disappearing on us like that" Kira

"S-Sorry. I think you're confused." Penny said as She suddenly hiccups, throwing the Scroll into Ruby's hands

"Uh... I've got to go!" Penny

"What was that about?" Weiss

"I don't know, but me and Kira are going to find out." Ruby said as she starts walking in Penny's direction as she shouts back to her partner

"You go make your call! we'll meet up with you later!" Ruby said as she dragged Kira with her

"Wait!" Weiss tried to stop them but they was already gone


Kira and Ruby was running up to Penny as she descends the steps until she gets in front of the non-eccentric redhead

"Penny! Where have you been? It's been weeks!" Ruby

"There seems to be a... misunderstanding." Penny

"What?!" Ruby said as Penny continues to walk away. Ruby slides down the rail next to her

"Penny... Is everything okay?" Ruby, but Penny continues forward without reaction. Ruby grabs her by the arm

"Penny, wait up a second" Kira said making Penny stop and listen

"Look, I don't know what's wrong, but you have to listen to me! Those guys we fought at the docks, we think they're up to something big, something bad! I need you to tell me what happened to you that night! Please... As a friend." Ruby

"It isn't safe to talk here" Penny said as she lean's in to whisper to Kira and Ruby


Right now Kira, Ruby and Penny were walking down a street in Vale, while Penny would keep looking over her shoulder to see if anyone were following them

"I wish I could help you, both, but I don't know anything about those men" Penny

"Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together, and then you just disappeared! Were you kidnapped?" Ruby

"Oh, no! Nothing like that!" Penny

"Then where did you go?" Ruby

"I've never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me not to venture out too far, but... You have to understand, my father loves me very much; he just worries a lot" Penny

"Believe me, I know the feeling" Ruby said as She grin and Penny grins back at her

"But why not let us know you were okay?" Kira

"I... was asked not to talk to you. Or Weiss. Or Blake. Or Yang. Anybody, really." Penny

"Was your dad that upset?" Ruby

"No, it wasn't my father..." Penny Before she can continue, the three of them heard the sound of megaphones announcing something, turning around the corner to look at the platform in the center of a plaza where the holographic image of James Ironwood is seen before six AK-130 Androids, who are in turn standing in front of two large metal storage cases with the spear-and-shield emblem on their doors

"The AK-130 has been a standard security model of Remnant for several years, and they have done a fine job. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you agree? But... the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation, and 'fine'... Well, that's just not good enough, is it? Presenting... the Atlesian Knight-200! Smarter, sleeker, and admittedly, a little less scary. These models will become active later this year, but they won't be alone! Now, the Atlesian Military has always supported the idea of removing men from the dangers of the battlefield. However, there are still many situations that will undoubtedly require... a human touch" General Ironwood

"Ruby? Maybe we should go somewhere else" Penny, At the side of the stage, two armored soldiers see Penny, pointing her out and calling in backup. Penny backs away and then breaks into a dead run, which snaps Ruby out of her weapon-awe-induced stupor.

"Penny! Wait! Where are you going?" Ruby said as she and Kira started following her

"Down here! She went this way!" Atlas Soldier

Penny, Ruby and Kira run across the street with the soldiers following them, though a honking car nearly runs one over. He manages to brace his hands against the hood, which somehow stops the vehicle, and his partner runs along after the girls

Ruby and Kira is still trying to catch up with Penny, but a high stack of crates on a flimsy support is easily cut down by Crescent Rose, causing a wooden avalanche of boxes to block the path. Seeing Penny right ahead of them, Ruby leaps into the air and lands on the alley wall, ricocheting off to grab Penny around the middle.

"This way!" Ruby said as she and Penny disappear in a flash of red rose petal's

"Yeah go ahead, leave me why don't you" Kira said as he also disappeared in a flash of black lightning

Kira see's Ruby dashing away as fast as she can while carrying Penny, but the strain is too great, and they crash to the ground a short while later, with Ruby falling all the way into the street. She gets up slowly, and in her dazed state, she doesn't notice the large truck coming up from behind her until the honking is too late of a warning. She stands up just as she's about to be hit, but from out of nowhere, Kira appears in front of her and lift's his left leg up and kick's the front of the truck causing it to deform and start to wrap around his leg

"Are you ok" Kira said as he look's back at Ruby

"Are you alright old man?" Kira

"Uh-huh" The old man responded

"There she is" Atlas Soldier, hearing this Penny took off running away

"Penny wait" Ruby said running after her, Kira sighed as he looked at the old man and told him he'd pay him back the next time he cam into on of his shop's before he started to run after them

"Penny, if you can just tell me what's wrong, I can help you!" Kira heard Ruby say as he finally found them

'It seems i missed a little of the conversation' Kira said as he walked up to them

"No! No, no! You wouldn't understand..." Penny

"Let me try! You can trust me!" Ruby

"Penny, whatever it is, it wont change the way we look at you, you are our friend and nothing's going to change that" Kira said drawing their attention

"You're my friend, right? You promise you're both my friend's?!" Penny

"We promise" Kira and Ruby said

"I'm not a real girl" Penny stare's at the both of them

"What do you mean?" Ruby

"I knew it" Kira said shocking the both of them

"W-what do you mean" Penny

"From the moment i saw you, i could tell you weren't human, you're made of metal" Kira said shocking the both of them even more

"W-what" Ruby said as she look's toward Penny

"H-how did you" Penny

"My semblance, it's where i can control every element, i can feel the little piece's of earth in side you" Kira

"O-oh, so what now" Penny

"Nothing" Ruby said shocking Penny

"Like we said, were friend's and nothing's going to change that, and besides how many people can say they have a android as there best friend" Ruby

"Oh you guy's" Penny said as she blitzed over to Kira and Ruby and hugged them

"Check down here!" Atlas Soldier

"You two have to hide" Penny said as she separated from the hug

"On it, see you around Penny" Kira said as he grabbed Ruby and jumped on top of one of the building's next to them

"Ah-" Ruby was about to scream in shock but Kira covered her mouth

"Sshh" Kira

"There she is!" Atlas Soldier

"Sal-u-tations, officers!" Penny

"Why were you running? And what happened to the other two that were with you" Atlas soldier

"What other people? I've been by myself all day!" Penny said as she hickuped

"You shouldn't cause such a scene" Atlas Soldier

"Are you okay?" Atlas Soldier 2

"Perfect" Penny

"Please, just come with us." Atlas Soldier

"Yes, sir!" Penny said as she walk's away with the soldier's

"Well i think we should get back to Weiss" Kira said causing Ruby to nod, just then Ruby's Scroll rung

"Big robot! And it's big! Really big!" Sun shouted through the screen

"Oh we are so not missing this" Kira said as they took off to where the other's were


Kira and Ruby arrived where the other's were, and just then Blake fell down in front of the duo then a giant robot came crashing down on it's back, The Paladin stands back up, and the rest of Team RWBY falls beside their leader to take up positions. Roman chuckles, moving the robot slowly towards the girls and Kira

"Ok, so i know this is going to seem selfish and all..... but i want to take it on" Kira

"Let us try first" Ruby said causing Kira to only nod and step back

"Freezer Burn!" Ruby said as she and Blake jump back out of the way as Weiss performs her same ice-circle trick, but backs out of Yang's way when she jumps into the air and hits the epicenter with her Ember Celica, creating a wave of mist that surrounds Roman. Immediately, the Paladin activates its laser sensors to make up for the lost sight, but it barely sees the afterimage of Blake and narrowly misses the dashing Yang. A gun manages to fire at the area between Blake and Yang, but out from the blast comes Ruby, who slashes the metal with her blade, causing it to falter.

"Checkmate!" Ruby

Blake and Weiss go in this time, each girl going for the feet until Weiss jumps up and stabs a sensor before leaping off of a white glyph. Roman lifts the Paladin's foot to crush Blake, but Weiss summons another glyph under her teammate to launch her backwards before the crushing blow can land. Roman growls and fires off the missiles, but Weiss and Blake flip backwards as the explosions merely hit where they were.

Finally, Weiss jumps up too high, and Roman fires a double energy blast at her. Myrtenaster absorbs the damage, but Weiss is thrown back, so she casts a beam of light from her weapon to the ground under Blake, forming a yellow clockwork circle that's absorbed into the Faunus girl and lets her slice through each launched missile with ease in a flurry of super-fast slashes.

"Ladybug!" Ruby shoots herself forward and cuts at the robot's legs, then turns as Blake aims herself at the giant's feet as well. They both dash forward and attack at the same time, circling each other around the Paladin with each strike until they both launch themselves into the air and come down together on the shoulder, cutting off the left arm entirely.

Yang doesn't waste a second, jumping onto the Paladin's back and punching the top with fiery shotgun blasts. Roman is knocked around in the cabin, but seeing as he can't reach her with his remaining mechanical arm, he runs backwards through two columns and leaves her embedded in a third before backing away and turning towards her. Just as she is falling down, the remaining arm extends a closed fist, and when it punches her, she flies through the column and doesn't get up.

"Yang!" Blake

"Don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special" Ruby said as Yang slowly gets back on her feet, hair burning a brilliant white as she clenches her fists. Sensing victory, Roman throws a punch, but Yang catches it in her own hand and, eyes red with rage, smashes her knuckles into the second arm, obliterating it under her force.

Getting desperate with his armless robot, Roman immediately kicks Yang to the side, but as she passes her sister and teammates...

"Bumblebee!" Ruby

Blake throws her Gambol Shroud out for Yang to catch while flying, and the Faunus uses the momentum to swing the glowing girl around for a final hit to the robot. Roman, however, steps out of the way just in time to avoid complete destruction.

"We have to slow it down!" Ruby

"And how do you propose we do that?" Weiss

"Ice Flower!" Ruby

Twirling their weapons so they both point at Roman, Weiss creates a series of glyphs in front of the scythe's sniper barrel, and a single shot through the circles creates a dazzling spiral of energy that creates large icicles upon impact with the Paladin. Ruby continues to shoot as Weiss freezes the fire, and as the ice completely envelops the robot's body, Blake swings her partner around in a circle one more time, but with Roman unable to move, the Paladin is hit by the speed and power of Yang's fists, flying into the air before crashing down in a hundred pieces and a defeated criminal.

"Just got this thing cleaned..." Roman

He looks up just in time to see Yang, still burning with her absorbed power, fire a single shot at the defenseless thief, but he's saved at the last instant when a two-toned girl drops in front of him and merely opens a umbrella, deflecting the blast entirely. The new arrival hangs the weapon over her shoulder as Roman addresses the victors.

"Ladies, Ice Queen...boy" Roman

"Hey!" Weiss

"More of a God, but continue" Kira

"Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would..." Roman

The pink-and-brown girl curtsies her enemies with a bow, but Yang will have none of it, charging forth with fists raised to strike the outlaws... only to break their image as if made out of a mirror and turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead

"Damn he got away, well nothing we can do now" Kira said drawing the other's attention

"Yeah" Ruby

"Well i'm off i got to do something in the morning" Kira said as he walked away with the other's following him shortly after


Inside of Kira's bedroom Kira was speaking to the voice's in his head

"Well that sucked" Ban

"Yeah but they got some good move's" Kira said as he got into bed after drying off from getting out of the shower

"Yeah, but i wanted to see you break that thing with a dragon" Ban

"Hehe, hmm i guess i could've, hey wait Ayano, use one of my bloodline Ticket's please" Kira said as he sat up

[Right away] Ayano


[Drawing Drawing]

[Drawing Complete]


[Legendary/Mutated Saiyan bloodline]


"Ooohhh, that's awesome, ok Ayano infuse it please" Kira said as he laid back on his bed to prepare for the in coming pain

[Understood] Ayano said as she started to infuse the bloodline causing Kira to start screaming in pain

"AAAHHHH" Kira was all Kira could do until he passed out


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Mutated Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]

[Level: 69]

[Exp: 763/10,000

[Shop point's: 266,660]

[Stat point's: 85]

[Health: 1,487]

[Strength: 375]

[Agility: 328]

[Vitality: 198]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi, Yami, Pikachu]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: S} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: A} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} {Depiction of Nature and Society: D} {Law Magic: D} {kaio-ken: D} {Shadow Clone Justu: D} {Elemental Magic: D} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} {Ikari/Wrathful state: S} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} {Yami no ha} {Dragon blade}]


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