
Those who cannot acknowledge Themselves, Will eventually fail

---POV: Ruby---

Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some notes. Yang then slides up next to her partner.

"Whatcha doing?" Yang

"Nothing." Blake says as she closes her book.

"Just going over notes from last semester." Blake

"Lame." Yang says as she catches a grape in her mouth.

Nora giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Nora the thumbs up. Ruby, giving an enormous heave, slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. On the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath.

"Sisters... friends... Weiss" Ruby. clearing her throat, She gestures to everyone at the table.

"Hey!" Weiss

"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." Ruby

"This ought to be good" Yang says as she She catches another berry in her mouth.

"A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!" Ruby

"Did you steal my binder?" Weiss

"I am not a crook." Ruby then makes "peace" signs with both hands.

"What are you talking about?" Blake

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" Ruby, She points her finger at Blake.

"I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?" Yang, An apple is tossed at Yang and hits her in the face. She glares at Nora.

"Boooooooooooooooo!" Nora

"Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today." Ruby

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store." Weiss, Yang, still glaring, picks up an apple and tosses it across the room. Offscreen, an unfamiliar voice shouts "Hey!" and Nora can be heard giggling.

"I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake

"Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!" Weiss

"I got it!" Nora

"I for one think that... " Weiss is interrupted by a pie landing on her face .Nora is the one who threw the pie, she sits down and points at Ren who has his head in his palm. Pyrrha's hand is over her mouth and Jaune simply sits staring wide-eyed while covering his ear with his palm.

---POV: Ruby End---

"Woah, that's harsh" Neptune, right now Kira was showing Sun and Neptune around the campus. It's been a week since Kira's and Ruby's date, Ever since their date Ruby would see and attach her self to Kira until either Yang would pull her off of him, or Kira would have to bribe her to let go with a cookie, to be honest Kira thinks that's why she does it, just so she can get a cookie

"Yo, so how's it going with you and that girl" Sun

"Oh her name's Ruby, and where together, so don't try anything, i'm looking at you Neptune" Kira

"Hehe, yeah, sorry about that" Neptune

"It's fine, just don't do it again, or else, well anyway here is the last spot on our tour, the cafeteria" Kira said as he pushed open the door to the cafeteria, inside there was nothing but chaos, people was getting destroyed by food, there was a food fight going on

"Ahahahaha!" Nora, Team JNPR are shown to be standing atop a tower of tables stacked in a ramshackle manner.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Nora said while singing

"Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful!" Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand

"It will be delicious!" Ruby

"Yeah!" Team Rwby

"Off with their heads!" Nora jumps down from the top of her tower, and the food fight begins.

"Yang! Turkey!" Ruby, Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.

"Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!" Ruby, Team JNPR then surround Ruby, as she was the only one left, Ruby was looking around to see where the other's where, Weiss is lying in her arms, Blake is on top of a table 'Knocked out', Yang was sent flying through the roof. Seeing that it was only her, she was about to admit defeat, but that's when she noticed Kira, and then she thought of a plan, and soon a evil looking smile appaired on her face, seeing this Jaune had a bad feeling so he decided to look around, that's when he noticed his Sensei Kira

Turning his head back towards Ruby, he seen that she was inhaling, Jaune tried to stop her, but he was to late as she then screamed for help

"KIRA!!, HEEELLLLPPPPP!!" Ruby said causing everyone to look towards the door, when there eye's landed on the door the felt a chill, there they seen Kira standing there with his head down, And then the only thing they heard was a deafening 'BOOM' as Kira disappeared from his position, he then appeared in front of Ren who tried to react, but he was to late as Kira had a Baguette in his hand, he took and slashed the bread sword diagonally across Ren's body sending him flying

"REEENNNN!!!!" Nora shouted, She then looked at Kira with a hate filled expression, she rushed forward with a pole that has a watermelon on the end of it, as she got close to Kira she jumped up in the air to slam her 'Hammer' down on to him, but Kira was already prepared as he took his 'Sword' and quickly stepped forward and slashed upwards at her abdomen

"Agghhh" was the sound Nora made as she fell to the ground dropping her 'Hammer', Seeing this their last two teammate's were hesitant on attacking again, that's when Pyrrha used her semblance on all the surrounding can's of soda and sent them at Kira, seeing this Kira didn't panic, as he dropped his 'Sword' and swung both of his arms in front of him, Kira then started to spin around while the can's started to start spin around him to the shock of Pyrrha and Jaune, Kira the sent the can's back at them, which Jaune managed to jump out of the way resulting in Pyrrha getting annihilated by the very can's she once controlled

"Well, well, well, Look's like it's just the two of us left" Kira said to Jaune who gripped onto his own Baguette, Kira then picked back up his 'Sword' and stood across from Jaune, they stood there for what felt like hour's, but in reality it was only a few second's, the room was filled with silence , but the silence was dispersed by Kira when he said

"Kira Original: Shiroi-Raitoningu" Kira was then covered in white lightning as he blitzed towards Jaune leaving a trail of White Lightning behind him creating a sonic boom, he was so fast no one even seen him move, Kira then appeared right behind Jaune, who had started to fall to the ground, Kira then raised his Baguette sword that was now crispy looking and took a bite out of it

"Hm, a little burnt" Kira said as the Lightning dispersed it's self, Kira had made that Skill by fusing his Fire bending as well as his Fire magic. You see he used Fire bending to create lightning and then he used his fire magic to control and condense the lightning on to himself to greatly improve his speed, plus it looks cool

"Children, please. Do not play with your food!" Ms. Goodwitch says as she quickly cleans up the mess with what Kira thinks is telekinesis, Nora burps aloud as both Team JNPR and Team RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables, while Kira is still eating his Baguette. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder

"Let it go." Ozpin

"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." Ms. Goodwitch

"And they will be, but right now they're still children." Ozpin says as he looks at Team RWBY who are shown laughing together

"So why not let them play the part?" Ozpin Then walks away from Glynda but not before ho looked at Kira who was now sharing his Baguette with Ruby

"After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever." Ozpin said as he left with Ms. Goodwitch following him shortly after

"Yo, that was awesome" Sun said catching the attention of the other's

"Haha, yeah i know right? Would you believe me if i said it took me only a week to make that skill" Kira said causing everyone else to gasp at him

"What that's amazing" Sun

"Well we have to go, thanks for giving us a tour" Neptune

"No problem" Kira said as he watched Neptune and Sun walk away

"Well then what now" Blake

"I gotta go, see ya" Kira said as he walked off leaving the other's to start talking to each other again.


Kira had arrived back at his room, and he took a shower and was about to head to bed when he remembered that he still had a Skill book and a Summoning ticket, kira was sitting on his bed and said to Ayano

"Ayano use the Skill book please" Kira

[Ok but this Skill book is different from the Random Skill book] Ayano

"Huh, how?" Kira

[Well the Random skill book gives you a random skill book as the name applies, while the Skill book, let's you pick a skill from a list of skill's] Ayano

"W-what, that's amazing, use it" Kira

[Right away] Ayano


[Skill list]


[Kanzen Saimin]

[Vector Manipulation]

[Dark Matter]

[Material Burst









Kira read the long ass list and finally stopped when he saw the skill he wanted, Susanoo, he was going to by a whole bloodline just to have it so now he could have it for free, and it helped his decision because he didn't know what most of these skill's were.

"Ayano i want the Susanoo" Kira

[Understood] Ayano


[New Skill]

[Susanoo: Susanoo is a gigantic, humanoid avatar made of the user's chakra which surrounds them and fights on their behalf. It is the strongest ability available to those who have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan in both eyes, well that doesn't apply to host]


"Awesome, show me my status" Kira


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 21,372]

[Stat point's: 35]

[Health: 1,000]

[Strength: 192]

[Agility: 148]

[Vitality: 175]

[Summons: Ban, Erza]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: S} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: A} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: D} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} ]


"Alright Ayano use the Summoning ticket please" Kira

[Of course] Ayano


[Summoning Summoning]

[Summoning Complete]


Just like before the room was filled with a bright light, this time Kira was prepared so he covered his eye's, when the light started to die down Kira opened his eye's and who he seen almost gave him a heart attack

"Are you m-" The voice was about to speak but Kira cut them off by screaming his name

"ITACHI!!!!" Kira screamed his name as he started to fan girl.

"Hm, it would seem that's a yes" Itachi said as he stood up from his kneeling position

"It's a pleasure to meet you my lord, as you already know i am Itachi" Itachi

"Oh right, my name is Kira" Kira

"Hehe, yes i know, i was filled in by the one known as Ayano" Itachi

"Well that's great, ok so i was just about to go to sleep, so you can either de-summon yourself or you can sleep on the floor" Kira

"Hehehe, i think i'll de-summon myself, have a great night My lord" Itachi

"Oh, and you can just call me Kira" Kira

"Ok Kira, good night" Itachi said as he faded away into dust particles, Kira then laid down and went to sleep, after some struggle from summoning Itachi, but he still managed to fall asleep.

Next chapter