
Trouble In Paradise (1)

• When trouble hits, one has to wonder ... can you trust love? •


8 months later.

Hayley took the cheer uniform given to her by the now former captain and began the oath.

"I, Hayley Marshall, pledge to always bring my best self to every performance. As co-captain, I assure to always be rested, focused and healthy for myself and my team."

Right next to her, Caroline was excitedly reciting the same pledge. The two girls were now closer than ever. At least, in Hayley's eyes, Caroline Forbes was her best friend. They spent their whole freshman year dedicating the majority of their time to the cheer squad as well as the various events organized by the school. Caroline was more in charge of that area, though, since Hayley had a thriving side job.

The oath they were taking now that they were in their first week of sophomore year was to take over the cheer squad. The former captain and vice-captain wanted to focus more on their studies and held a vote. Hayley and Caroline actually tied for the vote — didn't know it could happen with how Caroline was a social butterfly while Hayley stuck to her people — and they both agreed to take the team on as co-captains.

As her and Caroline walked off the field, they waited to be in the school's left building hallway before they threw their bodies at each other, squealing like little pigs.

"Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god," Caroline couldn't stop chanting.

"We made it," Hayley smiled brightly at the blonde. "We're captains!"

"We control the squad," Caroline's mouth was slightly agape. "Holy shit, Hayls! We're actually captains!"

Hayley nodded. "Now what's left is world domination."

" .. What?"

"What?" Hayley revealed an innocent expression before tugging at Caroline's arm. "Come on, let's go see how the boys are doing."

Not long after, Hayley and Caroline were standing in the bleachers of the football field, looking at the practice game. Needless to say, Hayley's eyes were stuck on her boyfriend.

Today was Tyler and hers' first year anniversary. And it was very special to Hayley, for she would finally say those dreaded words.

I love you. Hayley thought while she cheered Tyler on, the cocky jock sending her a wink and a grin before he tackled his opponent. Such simple words yet so deeply woven with her own fear. The last three people she told those words to ended up dying on her. So one could see why Hayley would be adverse to saying it.

But this past year, Tyler had been wonderful. They fought often, what with the two having the werewolf gene and being hot-headed but they communicated just as well. And even if, in the deepest parts of her heart, Hayley knew she wasn't in love with Tyler, she loved him, and that was enough. He deserved to know.

"Wooh hoo!" Hayley stood up to cheer when Matt and Tyler's team won, beginning to walk down the stairs. Their practice was over and she wanted a small moment with Tyler before she hurried to her classes. "Wait for me, Care, I'll be back in a few," she told her best friend.

When Hayley turned around, she saw a sight she never wanted to see. Ever.

Vicki Donovan was giving Tyler a bottle of water, resting her hand on his arm and getting in his personal space. And the worst of it? Tyler wasn't putting up a wall. Now, usually, Hayley wasn't a jealous girlfriend. She felt secure in her own skin and held some trust towards Tyler. But with the memories of Tyler and Vicki being an item in the show, she couldn't help the slight narrow of her eyes.

"What the hell are they doing?" Caroline's voice came from right beside her, having joined her best friend when she noticed the pair.

"Let's find out," Hayley replied, going down the remaining stairs with Caroline at her back.

When she was in front of the pair, it took Tyler a few seconds to notice her. Strike 1.

"Hey babe," he greeted, kissing her temple. "Don't you have classes?"

"In a few. I won't be late," Hayley replied, her smile a bit stiff when she looked at Vicki. "Hi, Vicki."

The other brunette nodded. "Hayley."

Keeping her temper in check since she felt she was being ridiculous, Hayley patted Tyler's chest. "I better get going. Great game, darling."

"Are we still on for lunch?" Tyler asked when she walked away, making her turn back with a nod. "See you later, babe." He said before he hummed at something Vicki said.

Hayley turned around, annoyed and walked towards the school with Caroline. The blonde noticed her mood and threw an arm around her waist.

"I think you need to keep an eye on that," she said. Caroline wasn't speaking out of turn. Hayley was her best friend and she didn't want her to be betrayed.

Hayley hummed. "If I have to keep an eye on my boyfriend, he'll soon become an ex." Her tone was final. She didn't do these kinds of games. She liked it clear between her and her significant other. And if Tyler was doing this because he got impatient, they were as good as over.

Right before they walked inside the school, Hayley frowned, twisting her head to take a look around the field. She had a feeling of being watched but no students were paying them attention. Hum ... must have been her imagination.


"I don't have a good feeling about this," Bonnie said beside Hayley.

The two of them were in their cheer uniform as they walked towards the parking lot. Bonnie spent a lot of time at Grams' house so the pair was very close.

"Me neither," Hayley replied. "This wasn't what I meant when I said I wanted our first anniversary to be special." She'd told Bonnie about Tyler and Vicki, hoping that one of her friends would tell her she was thinking too much.

When they arrived at their cars, Bonnie looked at her. "You know what? Go home, pretty yourself up for your lunch date and have fun. This is your day, so don't put Vicki in your eyes."

Hayley nodded her thanks to her friend and climbed inside her car. The smooth vehicle was getting more action this past year. Ever since she went into business with Slater, money was in constant flow and she wasn't worried about finances right now.

But it turned out she jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

'Get a boyfriend, they said. It'll be fun, they said.' Hayley heaved a big sigh before turning her engine on and driving away.

She had a love life to seriously re-evaluate.
