

The next morning I got up before Iris and decided to go get us some food from the mess hall. I got dressed and made my way down there. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the mess hall was a bunch of nervous whispers between people. I didn't quite know what was happening. I approached the serving table but was stopped by Calvin before I reached it.

"Is Iris okay?" he looked distraught and worried.

I was confused, "Yeah. Of course, she is. Why?"

"It's just, there were some recruiters found in the woods and I wanted to make sure she was okay."

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be? Do you know something? She's been asleep so she hasn't told me where she went after breakfast yesterday. What else happened that I don't know about?" He looked away and said, "I don't know anything else." But he was clearly lying.

"What aren't you telling me, Calvin? What happened?" He looked me in the eye and said, "I think it would be better if she told you herself." And then he walked away. I immediately forgot about breakfast and turned to go back to the barracks. When I opened the door she was looking through the drawers trying to pick out some clothes. As soon as she saw me a smile spread across her face, but it went away just as quickly when she saw my expression. I walked over to her, "What happened last night, with the recruiters? I know you're not fine. I can see it on your face. Something happened last night, something bad. What was it?"

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