
Chapter 56


I got sent flying away.


I fell on the ground, and before I even realized it, he was coming down towards me with his sword pointed at my head.

I smirked.



A massive fist suddenly hit him, which sent him flying towards the sea, but he used Geppo to land back on the ground.

I stood up.

I looked at my 12 crewmates and smiled.

"Thank you, Brogy."

"It was nothing."

"What are you doing here, Robin? You should be resting."

"I can't sit around while everyone is risking their lives out here."


"Don't worry, Ken. She is fine. And she won't be on the front lines anyway." said Deuce

"Alright, fine. I'll be counting on all of you guys then."

"You can count on us!" x12

"Do you really think that you can win just because you got some extra people?" asked Momonga

I smirked.

"We will annihilate you."

"Hahaha, come at me then."

I was about to tell everyone what they should do when Robert suddenly walked towards Momonga.

"What are you doing, Robert?"

"Just stay back."

"Wait, don't tell me you're going to use a sacrificing move!" screamed Ace

"What!? Of course not, you idiot! Just stand back and watch how much better I am than you."

Robert started getting close to Momonga when he suddenly got enveloped in Shadows. The shadows turned into armor.

'He looks badass as f*ck right now, but does he really think that that armor will work against a Vice-Admiral?'

They are standing face to face.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but that armor isn't going to stop my sword!"

He enveloped his sword with Haki, turning it black.

'What should I do!? I want to believe in him, but everything is pointing to his end.'

I looked at Robert's face.


'What am I even worried about. Just by looking at how confident he is, he must have a plan.'


Robert got hit on his shoulder.


'Was he really just being arrogant?'

"I have you right where I wanted you."


Momonga looked confused.

Robert's armor suddenly turned into sharp needles.





The needles went right through Momonga's body and got stuck on the ground.

"I've got him! Now I'll leave the rest to you guys!"

'This idiot! He let himself get hurt so that he could hold him down for us to finish it."

"Let's get him, guys!"

Robin used her Devil Fruit to bind him further and take away his sword. Van Augur started firing at him, but Momonga used Haki to protect himself.

Ace, Brogy, and Dorry stayed back because it would be difficult for them to attack with Robin's hands and Robert in the way.

Zala stood behind him, and while we were distracting him by punching and firing shots at him, she turned her fingers in spikes and sent them right through his back, pinning him even more.


His whole body suddenly got enveloped in Haki. Robert's and Zala's spikes got destroyed, and Robin quickly took back her hands.

He managed to get free.

It was the giant's turn to step up now. They've got brand new weapons and armor, and they've been training a lot since we left. So they are really strong now.

They enveloped their weapons with Haki and slashed down towards Momonga.

Since he didn't have his swords that is now stored away by Robert, he dodged instead of blocking.


Their weapons hitting the ground created a huge shockwave, sending all the trash and scrap metal on this beach flying away.

"Ace, now!"


Ace sent a giant fist made of fire towards Momonga.


He got hit, and the giant fist exploded, creating a massive fire explosion.

"Is he dead?" asked Mikita

"Don't let your guard down. There is no way that that little attack can hurt him."

"Thank you for your kind words, Ken." said Ace

"Hahaha, you're welcome."

The fire calmed down, and Momonga came out of it with most of his clothes ruined and holes in his body, where blood is coming out off.

He glared at us.

I smirked.



I took out my swords.

"Mikita, do that thing I taught you."

"But I still can't do it. I don't even know if it's possible with my fruit."

"Then you'll just have to believe in yourself and make it work right now. After all, I believe that you can do it. I always believed that you have so much potential to become someone great."

Her face immediately brightened up with confidence.

"I will definitely do it!"


Momonga came running towards us.

He tried to punch me, but he got blocked by Sabo.

"Get out of my way, you brat!"

"Hehehe, don't think about touching my bro before I'm 6 feet under." said Sabo

"Then I'll make that happen."

They started fighting, and the rest started supporting Sabo.

"Mikita, we don't have much time."


She grabbed my swords and closed her eyes.


My swords suddenly became extremely heavy.

'She actually managed to increase the weight of my swords to 10.000 kg!'

"Wow! You're amazing, Mikita."

She smiled.

"I couldn't have done it without you."

I looked at Sabo, who was doing a good job at blocking Momonga.

<Busoshoku Haki: Hardening>

Both my arms turned black. I also used Haki on my swords, turning them black.

'I'm now able to use the swords normally.'


I appeared behind Momonga and slashed down with both my swords. He managed to dodge one and tried to block the other with his Haki.


He didn't expect it to be so heavy, which made him fall on the ground.


A bullet suddenly flew past us and almost hit him in the head. But he managed to almost dodge it, but it still blew his left ear off.



Urouge appeared in front of Momonga, who is still on the ground, and punched him on his face, creating a big crater on the ground.

He encased his entire body with Haki again.

"Brogy, Dorry, help me out!"

"Of course!" x2

The three of us enveloped our weapons with Haki.





We slashed down on Momonga with our weapons, and he got cut into five pieces.

"You demons…" Were his last words.

"Sigh." x13

*THUD* x13

We all fell back on our ass's.

"Hahaha, we actually won." said Deuce

"It's all because of Robert. Because of him, we managed to get a lot of damage on him, which really slowed him down when he got free again." said Sabo

"But he was pretty weak. I could have taken him on myself." said Ace

"You love bragging, don't you."


"So what are we going to do now?" asked Zala

"Hmmm? I don't really know. Wait! I just got an amazing idea. Laffite, lend me your ear."

He came to me.




"Hahahaha, I expected nothing less from my Captain." said Laffitte

"So do you think that you can do it, Laffitte?"

"Hehehehehe, leave it up to me, Captain."

"I knew that I could count on you. Make sure to record everything and come back right afterward."

"Understood. I will go right away."

I nodded.

He disappeared with Momonga's head.


[What evil plan are they brewing?]

(I found out that writing a fighting scene where 13 people are going against one is difficult. Because you want to give everyone screen time, but that is difficult to do with so many people. So I will stick with small groups while fighting.)

(Ey, guys. Do you think that I should get Brook to join the crew? Ken will be going to Thriller Bark anyway because he wants to do a couple of things there. And there is a chance for Brook's shadow to come back to him. And if his shadow comes back, he will definitely leave that place, which makes it unlikely for Brook and Luffy to meet three years later.)

One Piece Quotes:

"The weak don't get to decide anything, not even how they die."

– Trafalgar D. Water Law

"We have to live a life of no regrets."

– Portgas D. Ace

"Men who can't wipe away the tears from a women's eyes, aren't real men."

– Sanji Vinsmoke

(Simp Sanji is back!)

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