
Getting Sick


"... She didn't force me to form a contract with her... I was the one who did..."

The red-haired demon stopped dead in his tracks, glancing back at the Undine, "What...?"

"... I was the one who forced her to form a contract with me..." The long-haired male walked pass the demon who was shocked to hear what Sereos just said. His eyes were wide as he pursed his lips.




"... Why...?" Avrean finally steeled himself to ask the question he's been meaning to ask after a long silence between the two. They're currently in the girl's room, standing far from each other, with the Undine being by the bedroom door and the redhead by the bathroom.

The demon crossed his arms, feeling somewhat suspicious towards the Undine. A bad feeling made its way to the back of the demon's head as he frowns slightly.

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