
Ch.13-yes sir

No one POV:

"We're sleeping at their house. Have a good sleep!!!" The vamps said and disappeared. 

The next week:


"yes dad?" Tzuyu said sheepishly.

"tzuyu, we need you guys now. The hunters attacked last night, the walls can't hold for long." Tzuyu's dad said.

"We'll be there as fast as possible. Hold on." tzuyu immediately woke up and called the others.

"Calling all gang mates, report to duty In 15 minutes." tzuyu ordered.

"Yes sir." The gang answered.

"Tzuyu, according to Yuna (From Itzy, a member Of tzuyu's gang here), the hunters invade from the northwestern side of the country. The leading generals are the same ones. Park Jinyoung and Park Jimin, The main generals of the hunters. They should belong to the Park Family, of Jihyo's." Mina reported on the way.

"Then call Jihyo and tell her to come with us. Send someone to pick her up and meet up at the portal." Tzuyu ordered and Dahyun volunteered to go pick the girl up. 

"Any else?" Tzuyu asked.

"Yes. Ryujin was sent to the southern of the country, along with Lia, and they found a kind of machine, surrounding  Vampile's beach. Ryujin had been trying to figure it out but she still hasn't got anything." 

Tzuyu sighed. "Those girls need training. loosen up my timetable and find a day or two each moth so I can go back to Vampile." Tzuyu said, wearing his I-glasses. "Yes sir." mina saluted and left the room.

Tzuyu decided to inform Sana before he leaves. "Sana." Tzuyu called. Sana was was lying on her bed. "Tzuyu!!!!" Sana squealed and hugged Tzuyu. Tzuyu leaned down and kissed her. "the hunters started attacking Vampile yesterday, I have to go, and I'll take Jihyo too." Tzuyu stated.

"jihyo? Why?" Sana asked.

"The generals attacking are Jihyo's brother and sister. I'm sure Jihyo's on our side now. And, I'm not sure if the others, including you are on our side or your dad's, so we'll just take Jihyo." tzuyu said without hiding anything.

"You know I'm on yours...We all are." Sana said.

"Yeah but your families aren't, yet. Jihyo said she's sure her family would agree since they didn't like it long ago. That's why we're taking her. Sorry babe, gotta go." Tzuyu gave her a quick hug and disappeared again.

Sana bit her lip, thinking how she could tell her father...she decided she'll be on Tzuyu's side, no matter what.

"Tzuyu!" Jihyo called.

Tzuyu nodded and picked up Jihyo in bridal style. "Tzuyu! Put me down!!!" Jihyo said, feeling embarrassed.

"don't mistake me Noona, I'm picking you up or else you can't get through the portal, you're too weak you know. although you're trained, you didn't have the sprayed armor on you like the others." Tzuyu explained. 

"yoo Jeongyeon, reporting to Duty."

"Myoui Mina, Reporting to duty."

"Kim Dahyun, reporting to duty."

"Son chaeyoung, reporting to duty." tzuyu nodded at them and they took off.

"Tzuyu!!!" tzuyu's gang were welcomed by a few girls.

tzuyu smiled at them, and gave Yuna a kiss on the forehead. "I'm telling Sana..." jihyo muttered and pulled out her phone, taking pictures of Tzuyu hugging the 5 girls and kissing Yuna.

"I missed you oppa." Yeji said and hugged Tzuyu. "me too.thanks for taking care of Vampile while We're not here." 

"No problem, it's my country too." Yeji smiled.

"Tzuyu-yah!!!" Lia kissed Tzuyu's cheeks and hugged him tightly. "Woah calm down Jisu." Tzuyu laughed. 

"tzuyu yahhhhhh!!!!!" 3 voices shouted and Tzuyu quickly teleported behind the others, making the three girls fall on the ground. 

"YAHHHH!!!! oppa!!!!!!"The three girls glared at him. "not my fault girls, you guys are too much to handle. How am I suppose to catch 3 girls at the same time?" Tzuyu teased.

"Hmph! You just don't want to hug us!" Chaeryoung pouted. "Yeah! Excuses!!!" Yuna rolled her eyes. "Meanie!" Ryujin said coldly.

"sorry girls, come give oppa a hug. A calm normal one please." Tzuyu chuckled and opened his arms. The 3 girls happily obeyed and hugged Tzuyu. 

"I missed you so much..." Yuna sniffed. "It's just half a year Yuna." Tzuyu said, patting her back. 

"Sorry girls, I'd love to spend Time with you girls, but I've got loads to do. Ryujin, lead the way." Tzuyu said. 

"Awwwww! No fair! Ryujin can spend more time with you!!!" The girls whined.

"Cmon girls, you're all over 15 okay, do your jobs. I'm just coming to clean up mess you guys left." Tzuyu said. 

"Mhm..." Jeongyeon coughed. The girls turned and asked. "Who's he?"

"yoo Joengyeon.Does that remind you?" Dahyun said.

"Owh JEONGYEON OPPA!!!!!!" The girls screamed and hugged Jeongyeon. "woah woah woah You girls are even scarier than when you were kids." jeongyeon laughed.

"Hey! you guys only care about Jeongyeon!!!" Dahyun and chaeyoung complained.

The girls ignored them. "Mina unnie!" The girls hugged her and mina patted their heads. 

"Are you with Chaeyoung oppa yet?" Ryujin asked. mina blushed and nodded. "finally!" "If you're not i'm gonna suffocate myself." "Thank goodness." "Finally, you guys took ages." "since the day I was born." The girls mercilessly said, making chaeyoung and Mina embarrassed.

"Now now now, get yourselves back to your positions girls, I'm not joking." Tzuyu ordered. 

"Awh, Scary leader Tzuyu oppa is back again." Yuna groaned and the girls all disappeared except Ryujin whose leading the way. 

"Jihyo, go with Mina and Chaeyoung to the northwestern side. I'm going to the beach. Dahyun, bring Jeongyeon back to the base and dad would know what to do. Oh, bring Daniel to help the Parks register. Go." Tzuyu ordered and the gang quickly started. 

"let's go Ryujin." Tzuyu said and Ryujin took Tzuyu's hand and they disappeared.

"Here, this is one of them. I took it from the borders but I can't figure it out. I guess I could be a canon or a bomb designed by the hunters specially for vampires..wait a minute." Ryujin said and Tzuyu sat down in front of the thing, fiddling with the parts of it. 

"There, its's a canon for firing smokescreens. The chemicals in the smoke will make vampires weak for an hour only...no wonder they need this much." Tzuyu explained.

 "oppa! How did you do it??I've been figuring it for a week!" Ryujin looked at Tzuyu, amazed. "Well it's kinda easy..." tzuyu scratched his nape.

 "Go back to the base,I'll check on Mina and Chaeyoung." Tzuyu said and Ryujin nodded, disappearing. 


THE WAR IS ON!!!!!! And jihyo was so cruel to tell sana about itzy...pre-rip Tzuyu

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acc: shiba_7321
