
Don't Bother to Join If You Don't Trust Me.

"Felix! That's far too steep!" Olivia shook her head with a worried expression, not liking Felix's pick one bit.

Even Leo and Ronaldinho, the most enthusiastic and supportive duo in the team, didn't seem too hyped about Felix's choice.

"Don't worry, this is a calculated decision." Felix clarified to ease their worry, "As a newcomer team, we have once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to choose our own opponent and straightaway take all of their collected SGPoints and their rank. Why would I waste it on the last team in the list?"

Based on the rules of the platform, newcomer teams were encouraged to pick much higher teams in the list by offering them insane returns.

Usually, the teams in the platform earn fixed amount of SGPoints on each win based on their current rank.

The only rule that break this mold was the first two chances for newcomer teams.

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