
Reaching The Void Base.

As Felix expected, the moment Fay saw his name on the application list for the three missions, she swiftly approved of him on one of them without even asking permission from her father.

In her eyes, she would rather have Felix on their planet than five squads since he had already demonstrated his ability to handle void packs alone.

'I should forward the news to father. He will be pleased immensely.' Fay smiled widely as she sent an email to The Fang.


Meanwhile, Felix had exited the suite the moment he saw that one of his applications got approved.

There was no point to remain in the city any more after he got his mercenary card.

After he reached his spaceship that was docked on one of the space stations, Felix keyed in the coordinates of the planet and requested the Queen to head there at full speed.

'Now, let's deal with the invitation of those fogies.' 
