

The emperor smiled, "Well, it truly is nothing big." He pulled his lips up in a smile. "I am just curious." His eyes seemed to have an orange hue as he spoke those words.

"Curious, what about?"

Leilani stared at the emperor as she said this. If she was a cat, her hunches would be raised as she hissed at the emperor.

He laughed and raised his hands up, "Trust me, I mean no harm. I am simply curious of this child who seems to have close to the same energy signature as I do."

He lay his back on the chair, "I am the drakkon emperor, and there has never been another being who has nearly the same energy that I do. I am simply curious if there is drakkon blood in her. Has she awoken as one?"

The siblings shared a glance, and Leilani allowed her younger sibling to speak, "I apologize, sire, but the child you speak of has Phoenix blood in her. She awoke as a Sylph as well, so we believe her father might have been a sylph too."

"As well? So she awoke as a Phoenix too?"

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