

The housemates looked at Adley who was passed out on the ground with a complicated look in their eyes.

Everyone knew that Adley was the stronger one of the twins. Therefore, to see her pass out so many times in a day was a little shocking. Aurinda grabbed onto her sister to prevent her from falling to the ground. If she fell and hurt herself more, Aurinda would not forgive herself.

As she slowly placed her sister back on the sandy ground, Christana spoke up. Her red hair had been tied up in a high ponytail and there was a bandana tied around her head. "What is our next course of action? If we travel to the east as you said brother, we might be a little late in saving Lexine."

Artin shook his head, "We do not have another choice. She has her shadow guard to protect her for the time being."

After placing her sister to the ground, Aurinda cleared her throat. "I think that I can help us arrive at the east faster. I have never been there before, but if I could connect with…"

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