Dear Readers
If you like these kind of stories, please follow me to the Dreame reading app where I started a new book called "The Uncrowned King" make sure it is the book written by Mrssmithwriter. This book is written in the first person.
"I'm so sorry your Highness, I thought the Lady was only making a joke, please forgive me?" Lord Dobson laughs uncomfortably.
"Lady Winters, did you make a joke with Lord Dobson?" You feel your heart pounding in your chest. "No, your Highness, my feet are truly tired of all the dancing"
"There you have it, Lord Dobson. Now leave!" His voice is stern and powerful. "Right away, Sire" Lord Dobson walks away quickly. The King turns to you. His eyes filled with concern.
"Are you okay, Lady Winters?"
"Yes, thank you, Sire" You stand up to bow but he gently pushes you back into your seat. He takes a seat next to you. "Please, don't get up on my account. Your feet must be sore after all the dancing you had tonight. Please sit down and relax"
"Why thank you, Sire. It's so kind of you. How can I repay your kindness?"
"Would you honor me with your presence for a little while?" You can't believe the words that's coming out of his mouth. He just wants to spend time with you. He's being such a gentleman. You never knew the King to be so soft and gentle. All you've ever known was his authority and demanding presence.
"Of course, Sire, it will be my pleasure. Are you enjoying the banquet?" He looks at you, eyes soft.
"At this very moment...right here....right now...yes, I'm enjoying myself tremendously and you milady?" You swallow hard. "Yes, Sire, it's a good night for dancing and eating"
"Were you food acceptable, milady?"
"Yes, Sire. I can't remember the last time I had such fine dining"
"...and tell me, milady, are you enjoying Lord Jackson's company?" You see his jaw clench as he asks the question. "He's a fine man, Sire. How can one not enjoy his company. Do you know Lord Jackson well, Sire?"
He almost chokes out the words and tries to sound objective. "Yes, he's one of the better knights" He looks away and avoids eye contact.
"If I may be so forward, Sire?" He turns and looks in your eyes, giving his full attention to you. "Of course, milady?"
"I....I do enjoy your company, as well, Sire" He gives a slight sigh, and then the corners of his mouth turn into a soft smile.
"That makes me feel very happy, milady" You smile. You both just sit and stare at the people dancing. Your shoulders are mere inches away from each other. You can feel the electric energy between you. You hear him breathing erratically. "Lady Winters, I....I was wondering if you will be attending the hunt tomorrow?"
"Yes, Sire. I'll be there for the hunt" He smiles again. "Good, good...Then I'll see you there, tomorrow?"
"Yes, Sire. May I ask why you're attending all these winter games? Forgive me for saying but you never attended them before?" He looks deep in your eyes and then speaks in a soft whisper, blushing.
"Isn't it obvious..."
He stares at you for a little while longer and then takes his eyes away from you with force. You stare at his face and smile, trying to calm your pounding heart.
(The King likes me?)
Suddenly his attention reverts back to the crowd and his entire being tense up. His hands turn into fists and his knuckles turn white.
Lord Jackson walks closer to you. "Your Highness" He bows before the King and he nods in return. "If I may?" He gestures towards you.
"Of course, Lord Jackson"
"Lady Winters, I see the night has worn you down. May I see you to your home?" You look at the King, he clenches his jaw.
"You're right, Lord Jackson, it's been a long day. Thank you for your company, Sire. I look forward to the hunt tomorrow" You bow before him. He takes your hand and kisses it. He speaks so that only you can hear him. "I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Lady Winters" He stares in your eyes and you see a touch of lust flashing through them.
"Milady, shall we?" Lord Jackson gives his arm for you to hook into. "Yes, let's go"
You wake up the next morning feeling confused.
(What is the King trying to do and why doesn't he spend more time with the princess?)
You lay in your bed, not ready to get dressed for the hunting event. There's a knock on the door. "Urgh...yes?"
Stacey open the door "It's me, Stacey, Mam, can I come in?"
"Yes, sure" You sit upright in your bed. "Mam, you should get up and get dressed, the hunting is about to start. Let me get your clothes ready"
"Okay, okay. I'm up. Are the horse ready for today?"
"Yes and Kendra will meet you at the corner, she left a message" She opens the curtains and it's a winter wonderland. "Oh, it looks so beautiful! My favorite time of the year"
Suddenly you feel light and happy. Ready for what the day might bring. You quickly finish and get on your horse to meet Kendra. You arrive at the corner and you smile at your beautiful surroundings, waiting for Kendra.
"It's a beautiful day isn't it?" Kendra comes close to you on horseback. You get back on your horse and then make your way to the hunting event. Everyone is gathered together, waiting for the trumpet to sound to start.
"Miladies, are you ready for the event?" Lord Harrison maneuvers his horse next to Kendra.
"Yes, Lord Harrison. It's a beautiful day isn't it?"
"The day was beautiful this morning but now the day is breathtaking" He takes her hand and kisses it, looking deep in her eyes. She giggles a little and he smiles at her.
"Good morrow, miladies. I saw the sun rising in the east, so I wanted to take a closer look at its beauty. Then when I got closer, I realize it wasn't the sun but this beauty in front of me" Lord Jackson comes riding up to you. He takes your hand and you smile at his words.
"My Lord, I see you were affected by this beautiful day too?"
"No, milady. I was only affected by you" He kisses your hand and you make your way to the people.
The King comes riding on his horse. Every one bows with their heads as he passes them.
"Lord Jackson, are you ready to hunt? This is one of your events?" You gesture to the forest. "You're correct, milady. Will I be seeing you afterward at the feasting?"
"I'll be there, Lord Jackson. May you have many good returns"
"Thank you, milady"
Kendra then adds to the conversation "...and you Lord Harrison, will you also be joining them?"
"Oh no, I don't believe in killing creatures for fun"
"Then, you'll be riding with the crowd?"
"I'm here to ride with you, Lady Burnette. If you'll allow me?"
"You're definitely allowed" The trumpet sounds and everyone's horses start to gallop. The people go in different directions. Kendra and Lord Harrison go in one direction and you decide to look at the scenery.
You see a ruins close by and decide to have a look. You look at the architecture and you marvel at its beauty. You move around, in and out the ruins. Through two pillars you see a field, not too far away. You see a horse standing by itself. Then you hear a soft moaning sound. You gallop to the clearing and you find....the King is sitting on the ground.
"Your Highness!!"
Hi Readers!!
Please enjoy the book and please let me know what you think??
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Thank you and love ya!!