
II. Eavesdropping

Ivory was lying down on her bed, exhausted from the dancing, grinding, and running. She was happy she passed and knew twice than to defy Blue. Ivory sometimes fantasized how life would have turned out if she and Viper never escape the orphanage, and if they weren't abducted. Ivory figured that she'd live an average life, but after Lucky reveled that Hawks was spying on her, she figured that she would be here without Viper, and the police wouldn't have gotten involved. Maybe Viper would have searched for her best friend; but Ivory doubted that.

When the two became involved with the Blue Dragons, Ivory could tell that Blue was trying to separate them, Blue wanted Ivory busy. Ivory could tell that Blue knew what Viper was planning, and he wanted her gone. Ivory decided that was why Blue let Viper and Roxie go to the police. There had to be something else.

Ivory then thought that maybe Viper knew something that she shouldn't have known; perhaps Viper found out some top-secret information and that was why she was keen on leaving. None of the other members liked Viper, there had to be a reason why. As mouthy as Viper was, they never disciplined her, and Blue was strict when it came to respect. Ivory hypothesized that Blue let Viper rebel and then abducted her. Ivory stared at her vent, she wondered if Viper was the one making those noises.

She must be here, Ivory thought. There's no way Blue would let Viper run free.

Suddenly, there was a knock at her door, making her jump.

"Who is it?"


"Come in."

Hawks entered smiling. He joined Ivory on the bed. "Hey, how was the club?"

"I'm never going back."

"Yeah, don't worry, everyone had all done stupid things and had to pay the price.

Remember not to do something like that again."

"I won't," Ivory said. "Why did Red bring Swindle H into the basement?"

"Swindle H had been around longer and had made dumb choices before. She knew better," Hawks wrapped an arm around Ivory, who winced. He pulled back, "Are you feeling, okay?"

She nodded. "My whole body is sore."

He laughed. "Hey, Lucky and I are getting pizza. Do you want some?"

"Sure," they got off her bed. "Hawks?" He turned to her. "Uh, this is weird … after what happened with Blue, I don't feel comfortable sleeping alone. When I came back, I felt like he would do something to me again."

"Stay in my room," Hawks smiled.


"Blue won't touch you, I promise," Hawks said as the two walked down the hallway. "What he did was wrong; I'll make sure you're safe."

"I appreciate that, Hawks."

"You'll learn self-defense, and the next time someone touches you, defend yourself."

"I can't wait. Does everyone in the gang know martial arts?"

"Blue needs to because he's a gang leader. He knows different areas of martial arts. Red, not really; basic skills. Spike, Rover, Lucky, and I know Kungfu and Jiujitsu. Harley used to do Gymnastics when she was younger, but she knows basic combat skills."

"I wouldn't have guessed that Harley used to be a gymnast."

"Yeah, that shocked me. I have seen Harley take people down before; she's insanely flexible. Plus, I reckon that's where she gets most of her muscle."

"How about Lily?"

"Lily's not that athletic, but all gang members need to know basic combat skills," Hawks stopped at his bedroom door, "I need to get my wallet, just wait here."

"Sure," Ivory nodded, and Hawks entered his bedroom.

It was silent until Ivory heard two voices coming from a room. She noted that it was Blue and Harley, but more members could be in the room.

"So, that's why you need her," Harley said.

Ivory furrowed her eyebrows. She wondered who Harley meant.

"Yes, keep it quiet. Hawks and Red know, I haven't told the rest."

"You're more lenient towards her; it makes sense," Harley said. "I have no problem with your reason."

"Harley, just watch her," Blue said, "Rover said that after I spoke with her, she was talking to something that wasn't in the room."

Ivory gasped, hearing that the two were talking about her. Why would Blue need me?

Hawks exited the room, and Ivory held a finger to her mouth. Hawks made a face and turned to where she was looking. They heard laughter. Hawks and Ivory sent each other a worrisome look but looked back, seeing Harley's shadow reflected off the door. Ivory wondered why Blue, and Harley were having such a conversation with the door open.

Ivory figured that there were no secrets, but maybe there were only secrets to her. Ivory knew deep down that Blue didn't consider her a member, which is why she never heard anything. Rover had admitted that he doesn't question anything, but the other members do update him on current events. Ivory felt nervous, pondering if Blue secretly just wanted to kill her. If that were the case, then why keep Viper?

"That's ridiculous," Harley said after her laughter died down.

"No, he was serious. Rover said he felt something in the room and that Ivory spoke to it. Ivory asked about Viper. All I'm saying is that you should keep an extra eye on her."

Hawks' mouth gaped open, and the two quietly moved closer.

"Ivory isn't ill, Blue."

"I never said she was."

"Oh, I see, you think she's like you," Harley said after a while.

Blue laughed, "Well, not exactly like me. I think Ivory's a special type of human if you catch my drift. Not many people can sense the dead. One time she said that the old base was too cold and dark."

"That's the sign of a spirit," Harley said. "Who do you think she was speaking to?"

"I'll guess a dead gang member," Blue laughed, "It's too bad they can't help her, though."

Hawks quietly led Ivory towards the staircase, and the voices died out. It was silent.

"Hawks, I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything," Hawks smiled, "So, that's why you're so tense."

Ivory laughed, "I guess."

"Keep this inside the base; not many people would find you sane if they found out that you can speak to ghosts."

"I understand. I wonder what Blue and Harley were saying."

"I think Blue's worried, that's all. You've been acting different," Hawks saw Lucky coming to meet them. "Let's go, forget about what Harley and Blue said. If it were urgent, they'd speak to you."

Ivory sighed, forgetting her past thoughts. Maybe there weren't that many secrets after all. Ivory's gut; however, was saying otherwise.

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