
'2.2' Oh..How the game can change

Being disadvantaged can come in handy sometimes... especially when it certainly looks like you have a disadvantage.





Fear pulsed through my veins at a rapid pace, continuing to make me wonder about my life choices. Now more than ever, since I could've just finished all of them in a matter of seconds...but a deal is a deal even if it's not made out of blood.

Dagur's voice echoed in the halls of my mind.

"That you don't hurt my Heather or brother Hiccup and his friends."

And where did that end up? Oh, right! I don't think I need an explanation any further.

Heather's dragon watched at me with such a force of rage that it could easily be the demise for me, but I sat still, stupidly hoping that in some way that all the power of the gods combined can save me.

"Heather... what are you talking about?" Fishlegs slowly asked. My breath hitched. Could it be true? Can they not see me? My eyes closed shut, praying silently, because if they found out with their own eyes...well...it wouldn't take them long to put an end to me, would it?

"What? You can't see her? She's right there! Hiccup! Imor-" Her frantic screaming was replaced with more frantic yelling. As soon as their heads whipped to the side, my body lunged forward with another. I had just enough time to comprehend who it was, before jumping on their back.

I pulled up and barely missed Heather by an inch.

The gust of wind from the rate we were going was inevitable to miss. Heather and her dragon stumbled backward as me and my dragon soared to the sky.

I held my breath as Destiny's body curled and prepared to dive. All I could see from my small vision up above was scuttling figures running around. "Destiny wait." I manage to whisper. She stopped and started hovering in the air. " I can't put you in danger... I need you to drop me off and cause chaos on the other side of the island so that I can help Viggo." I planned.

She growled and her body glowed a faint purple. "Please?" I begged hastily. She gave no warning when she surged forward, aiming for a rocky terrain to drop me off.

I was surprised at how smooth I jumped off her back and onto the pile of rocks. I immediately crouched behind a rock the size of a tent and peeked out.

If I wasn't part of this, I would've said this was enough chaos for one night. But I had to do this. I just had to. Viggo would do the same for me ...right? Of course he would! No hesitation at all..yeah. He wouldn't have hesitated.

Just as I was about to sneak into the area, a few rocks stumbled past my feet. Now that I have learned my lesson, I stared at where the commotion went. But instead of someone, it was something.

A bow.

With a quiver full of arrows.

Perfect! I mentally thanked Destiny as I could see her figure's shadow hovering over me. She flew away, trying to cause more chaos than there already is. I stared at her as her nearly-invisible form fly right and left, up and down.

I looked down, the voice of the market's man words kept repeating in my head. "For this bow guides both the dark and the light." What did he mean by that? Could his choice of words be more clearer? I shake my head defiantly. My hand reached for the bow and held it tightly. I looked towards an arrow.

Hesitantly, I pulled out an arrow and straightened it with the string. I aimed at Hiccup's dragon, Toothless. Dagur said Heather and Hiccup's friends... he never really said dragons did he? I thought menacingly.

It felt like time slowed down a great deal.

I smiled.

I pulled the arrow back.

I aimed.

But you know, a bow has a very odd secret.

A secret that only it can unravel.

It has a very strange way of finding out whether your aim is true or not.

And then,

I let go of the arrow.

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