
Dance Of The Shields(Part Seven)

 When Peggy had seen her bairn running around on shields in the palace banquet room, and with her skirts hiked up to her thighs: she had nearly fainted from her bluster..

 She had been helping the rest of the servants keep the food hot and at the ready for whenever the king declared the game over. When Peggy had entered the room with a tray of drinks for Skye and her group, she could feel all of her color drain away. People were whispering about how 'very country' she was behaving, and began to badmouth her family and upbringing.

 Peggy was used to hearing nasty and outrageous things about Skye, but her behavior seemed much too crude to the woman who had raised her.. 'The lass is a Princess now! What the bloody hell is she thinkin'?! There's a reason that only men participated in this foolishness! Not even the damn stray participated!'

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