
Back In Alcon(Part Two)

 When Lawrence saw Marco talking to the maid, he automatically knew what was happening. She had curly red hair, and a heart-shaped face: just like Skye. He shared a glance with Shasta, who nodded, then took the children with her to the RMC Headquarters.

 As the two brothers headed for the throne room, Lawrence could've sworn that he saw a small smile tugging at the corner of his brother's lips. It wasn't a pleasant smile; it was more like heinous satisfaction. As they arrived at their destination, Lawrence hoped that Shasta was able to catch up with the lass..

 Magnus sat in his throne with a wide smile on his face. He was talking with Lord Moonstone and Lord Reinbolt about something, and laughing. His cheeks were flushed, and his demeanor seemed strong, which made Lawrence relieved.

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