
YOOO- Woah!

"Hector? Arkus? What are you two doing?" Theresa asks approaching the two with Bounds spell, "Some random man with a fox mask casts Bounding spell at us, what did you expected? We standing here for the whole hours? I'm tired of being like this! Theresa!!! Get that man spell off from us!" Hector said with tears in his eyes, "I want to eat!" Arkus shouts crying since she can't eat for now. "Alright, alright. Calm down you two." Theresa said trying to make them calm down. "Please rest assured! We'll take care of him!" Theresa grins, as Hector looks over her shoulderto see a Aiden. "Who's that kid?" He asks, "That's Aiden Carter. He's uhh, someone who we meets along the way." Theresa said trying to make him not look bad. "Okay! Go and free us!" Hector said shooing them away.

"What should we do now?" Ashley asks looking at Zeolite, "Let's just search for more trapped passengers." Zeolite said while opening the cart 2 door, and the cart is filled with tied up passengers, Zeolite throw a card to the ground and swipes his hands up, as the ropes cut off at the same times. The passengers stays quiet, they all stares at him in awe. Unable to says a word. "Let's move one." Zeolite said walking forward, leaving Ashley who is in awe.

Zeolite look back at her, "What are you waiting for? Or are you gonna stands there for hours?" Ashley shakes her head to regain herself back, "Sorry." She grins and follow him, "What card was that?" She asks, "Nothing impressive." Zeolite said, "But that was so cool!" Ashley said trying to make him tells the card name. "It's nothing really." Zeolite said refuses to tells her the name. "Jeez! You just have to tell me the name! What's the difficult on saying a name?!" Ashley said still trying to make him tell her the car he's using. "I'll tell you later." Zeolite said as Ashley groans in annoyance.

'They're here.' Commander Z thoughts, looking out from the door in cart 1, 'time to left.' He thought snapping his finger as a transportation spell appears in front of him, he step in the transportation spell and wait for it to wrap him to Zosce territory. It needs 10 seconds for him to wrap, unfortunately, when the countdown got to 5, the door is opened by Zeolite. The two lock on each other eyes, before Ashley appears in front of him, with her fist out. But before her fist can touch him, he wrap.

Ashley falls to the ground with a thud, with her face shoved onto the ground. Zeolite walk past her and crouch down to examine the teleportation spell. "Another Dark magic teleportation spell…" He mutters, Ashley quickly get up and looks at the teleportation spell. "You're right!" She said as Zeolite stares at her, blinking.

"What did you see?" Hector asks still in Bound spell, "Nothing. I don't even see a dust." Arkus replies, "Yeah- Woah!" Hector suddenly falls to the ground, he waves her arms around, "I can move!" He said happily, "You're right!" Arkus cheered wagging his tail in happiness. "Let's search for the others!" Hector said pumping his fists out, "Let's go!" Arkus cheered jumping to Hector's head.

Theresa walks in cart 1 while holding Celine's hand, only to be meets by Zeolite and Ashley who is having a staring contest. "Uhh, hello?" Theresa asks while knocking on the cart door, "Shush! Can't you see we're having a staring contest!" Ashley said without even looking at her, "I know but…" Theresa sighs.

"You're dead!" Ashley shouts and suddenly throws her fist at Zeolite's face, "No you." Zeolite said punching her face, Ashley body falls backward, "What happened with the staring contest?!" Theresa asks yelling. "We're just finding the best timing to punch. Don't trust what she said." Zeolite said looking back from his shoulder.

"YOO!!!" Hector's loud voice beams from the hallway, and trips when he arrive at the cart 1, Arkus jumps to avoid the impact, then lands on Hector's back. "Idiot." Is what he says. "What the f*ck?" Zeolite asks turning around. "Oh, he's already free." Theresa said. "Is that Hector?" Celine asks, "Yep, he just come running from the hallway, and trips on her way here." Theresa said face palming at his act.

"Oh, I see, I see." Celine nods in understanding. Zeolite looks at Aiden who is standing near Theresa. He squints his eyes in suspicious. Aiden gulps and look at his feet. Theresa noticed on where Zeolite has been staring at, and it was Aiden. "Zeolite, stop staring at him, you're making him uncomfortable. His name is Aiden Carter. Treat him well." Theresa said introducing him.

"Aren't you…the one who steal the rich old man wallet?" Zeolite asks, Aiden widened his eyes in surprises, "He what?" Theresa asks raising her voice a bit, "I-I didn't mean to!" Aiden said quickly shaking his hands, Zeolite didn't says a word and continue to stares, Aiden hung his head low, "well…yeah…I mean…I do…But I did changed! I swear!" He said trying to convince him he has changed.

"Give him a chance…at least, for Celine." Theresa said pointing to Celine. Zeolite let out a sighs, "Prove it by action, I no longer trust words." He said his eyes glaring menacingly at him. Aiden gulps and said, "S-sure! B-by what?" He asks, "Return the wallet to him, though, I'm not gonna says it's easy." Zeolite said remembering how the old man act, he rampages because he can't find his wallet and accused him that steals his wallet.

"A-Alright! W-Whatever to prove I've changed!" Aiden said with confidence. Zeolite looks at him, seeing potential in him. "Good." Zeolite said before looking at Ashley. "Oi, woman. Wake up." He said shaking her body.

"Hector? Wake up." Celine said poking his cheeks, instead of waking up, snores come out from his mouth. "Hector! Wake up!!" Theresa shouts on his ear, as he jolts awake, "What?!" He shouts shocked.

aight, forgive me for not updating yesterday, I just can't bring myself to write after such a long day...Anyway, hope you enjoy!:)

Awuchicreators' thoughts