

Cherrygrove city, the second heart of the pumping Johtonese machine, while it may not be as performative or lucrative with its Kanto-counterpart, it is a home for millions of people. It thrived despite the fact that the world around it was crumbling, it was a bubble for the people of Johto, a bubble on which they swore to protect.

Amongst the people living there, lies a passionate journalist. For if there were millions of stories circling the city, he was the abstract that summarizes the larger-whole. Despite his oration and writing skills reflecting his devotion to his craft, he is, nonetheless, naive. His name is Munich.

"You've been writing that thing for weeks now." fretted by his senior as he sits comfortably in his wooden chair. He took a cigar and lit a smoke. He read the news with his newspaper while his coffee was held closest to him. He is calm, perplexed by many for his demeanor, and a well-reserved gentleman.

"It just got to me that these clues started to pile up. Have you always wondered why the demographics that compete in the Pokemon tournaments are mostly teenagers and young kids?" Munich asked as he dragged one document to a folder in his laptop. Unlike his senior, he is careless. Some of his colleagues despised him for his forward manner — not even his brilliance can cover his flaws — and he can be irritating to others. A contrast to one another yet their relationship is the strongest amongst the media groups.

"Concisely, many would say that kids love going out for adventures, teens are no different either. However, if you want to entangle the Pokemon World with Politics, the latter sees the former as a tool for gaining more power. Take that of Kanto, recently, their new Pokemon Champion is a kid — a meager kid of 13 — and there have been speculations if he's a puppet of oligarchic rule. Conspiracies said that he is a virus that would infect Johto as well, given by his passion, I can see him conquer all 4 countries in the mainland." His senior stated.

"Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh? But having more than 4 titles should be illegal, right?" Munich had always thought about a single person managing to rule 4 of the countries, the last time someone achieved such a feat created an empire, the Kantonese empire, and this boy might be a repeat of an old mistake.

"It's not illegal if nobody reports it…" He said as he turned his newspaper to the next page.

"That's how Team Rocket formed in the first place." He muttered as he saw the title of an editorial article, it was an article about how Team Rocket sowed the seeds for future Kantonese expansionism. It was overstretching at first, but it was an idea that would lead to a hypothesis.

"He's here in Johto. And there are rumors that he's being guided by our champion. Wouldn't that ring an alarm?" the skeptical Munich stated.

"He might manipulate and defeat he-" he continued but he was interrupted by his superior.

"Don't think so lightly of her. Stay away from her as much as possible. She's a dangerous person…" His superior let out a cold warning. Mentioning that name, that person, that thing, haunts him and he wishes no further discussion about it.

"I learned that the hard way." He stated.

"Anyways, pack it up, we have to go back to HQ. Lunch break is over." The sudden mood swing changed Munich's perspective. Conflicting thoughts and emotions begin to embark a series of trails in his head. .

"Alright then."

He decided to halt whatever he was doing and focused on more important matters, researching with regards to the Johto Champion, the Prodigal Girl of Newbark Town, the bearer of the first completed Pokedex, Lyra Mirei.


As they were walking in the boulevard, they couldn't help but notice a large crowd at the plaza. Curioused, Munich decided to investigate it. It was a group of protesters that were against the Pokemon League. Why? For a simple reason: for them, they believe that Pokemon battles are abusive towards Pokemon and sought to ban it. They are a rising faction amongst Johtonese society but they were not significant enough to be taken seriously.

"Don't listen to them. They're like hippies." His senior told him as he dragged Munich out of the crowd and continued walking.

"I know, but don't you think they're sort of right?" Munich argued.

"Their philosophies with regards to the human and the non-human animal relation is very hooking. However, I couldn't say they were right either. I can argue that Pokemon battles are still a necessity for the protection of young children, especially those who joined the Pokemon league and traveled across the continent. In the competitive sense, I can see why. For them, they see the Pokeball as a tool for enslaving Pokemon, while I see it as a contract." his senior explained.

"A contract? Like an agreement to a consensus?" Munich wondered.

"Yes. The trainer can let go of their Pokemon if they want to, and so as the Pokemon can also leave their Pokeball without their trainer ever knowing. Even before the Pokemon was captured, there was already agreement between the two, it was a fight, and the winner takes all."

"My only recommendation for you is to read some articles and blogs about it. That's how they manage to get individuals, it is alluring at first, but once you learned some stuff, you would back away."


Meanwhile, near the riverbanks of the city, two trainers were looking at a map as they were trying to find the nearest Pokemon center.

"The nearest one is 3 blocks away from us." Lyra concluded upon navigating the map.

"Can't we just take the nearest train or bus? Horsea has been rushing recently in my comms." Yoake groaned. Lyra snickered as her eagerness on going to the Pokemon Center is a priority beyond that of Yoake's.

"No. That would be a waste of time. Just follow me." Lyra grabbed Yoake's hand as they ran across the walkway and headed towards their destination.

It didn't take long as they reached the nearest Pokemon center. Whilst the design was reminiscent of the Kantonese boy, he saw an outlier amongst its outer crest. He saw a postal-like box standing near its entrance, Lyra walked towards it and pressed a small button that was lying on top of it.

"What's that?" He asked.

"This is a teleportation booth that Bill invented. Ever heard of that guy?" Upon pressing the small button, a menu appeared at the box's screen at the front. She began scrolling through UI to find their desired location.

"Bill? No."

Lyra was shocked, she presumed that the kid would know the famous Kanto inventor because of the fact that the majority of the things he used as a Pokemon trainer was made by him. Or what was worse is that Bill is a colleague of his father.

"You don't know him? He's the famous inventor that created the PC where you store your Pokemon. Haven't your father mentioned about him or something?" said Lyra.

"Nope." a simple answer planted a seed of doubt in Lyra's thoughts. She had expectations but she didn't expect that it would already fall flat before it could even reach the stepping stone.

'Takeshi, how did you raise this boy?'

Lyra couldn't exemplify how there was frustration within her. But she decided to remain calm, she had to work her way through.

As she was about to tap on the location that they were getting teleported to, her phone begin to ring, it was a phone call. She took it out from her bag and saw that it was from a number, a familiar number. Sensing its urgency, she picked it up and answered.


"Miss Lyra, we've found him." With that phrase alone, Lyra understood the protocol.

"I'll be there." With an untarnished tone, she ended the call and began to fiddle the screen as she chose a location that was different from their true destination.

Yoake took notice of this, it was as if Lyra was completely a different person. He couldn't describe what her face nor actions were trying to portray but all he could think of was the bizarreness of her nature.

"Change of plans. You're coming with me." She said as she finally tapped on the location they were about to teleport to.

"Don't ever tell Leaf about this."

As the beams emerged from the box, the two were spontaneously teleported to a different place, far from Cherrygrove and from the mainland of Johto, but it was obvious that they were still in the territory of Johto. They were in a coastal city, Yoake looked around and saw a sign nearby, Cianwood City.

In Front of them is a polished black car, waiting for them, and Lyra opens the passenger door. She entered first, then Yoake followed. He was skeptical and confused on what's going on and he demanded an answer. The driver was wearing all black, brim shades, and rubber gloves.

"Take us there." Lyra ordered the driver.

"At your beget." The driver said as he started the car and drove.

"Lyra, what the hell is going on?" He asked.

"Business. A significant one."


It didn't take long before they finally arrived at their destination. It was a tower that stood in the middle of the city, it overshadowed everything at sight, and nearly touched the heavens above. It was owned by one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, the Magna. This tower is their headquarters as they ever present across the globe.

Yoake was speechless upon entering the gates of the said tower, as the car drove to the drop area, he couldn't help but gazed at Lyra. She was silent throughout the ride, her eyes stranded in a thousand-mile stare, her body was immobilized, and her aura presence gave it a sense of… dread.

They dropped off at the lobby, where a single individual stood at the entrance of the foot of the tower. She had short ginger hair, freckles present at her rosy cheeks, a tall and slim body. Yoake, getting struck by puberty, was infatuated by this woman. He tried to hide arousal but it was obvious to Lyra that the boy was uptight.

The two walked up to the woman and the two girls began to talk while Yoake was dazed by looking at her.

"We would like to apologize if we interrupted you from your business." She bowed, a sign of respect that is present throughout the culture of the 4 countries.

"And it seems that you have someone else with you." she continued.

"His name is Yoake Katsuragi, son of the famous Takeshi Katsuragi. He's the Pokemon Champion of Kanto. He's with me as his honorary guardian in his Johto tour." Lyra introduced Yoake to the ginger. The boy's nervous smile tried to give her a 'hi' and seeing the fatuation in his eyes, Lyra decided to tease the boy.

"A Katsuragi…" a family name that was passed on from generation to generation, a clan that established order and peace between man and monster, famous for their prodigal fighting spirit, and cunning warrior-like deception.

"Very well. The meeting will be held at the chambers on the 17th floor." She said,

"Good. For the meantime, please entertain our guest." Lyra said as she walked past the ginger.

"Have fun." For a brief moment, Lyra looked at Yoake and gave her the familiar face and personality that he knew earlier that day. Afterwards, she turned away where the coldness returned.

"Please follow me." The woman escorted the young boy to the tower. Entering the tower belittled the young Katsuragi as the grandiose of the lobby and its encapsulating size was like nothing he has ever seen before.

The three entered the same elevator, the ginger pressed the 5th and 17th floor. With the doors shutting in, Yoake was anxious as he was sandwiched by the two girls. Lyra gave him a smug, while her mouth was playful, but her eyes were dreaded. With the first stop, the doors opened once more and the ginger walked out, holding the door by pressing the elevator button.

"Come with her. Enjoy your lunch." Lyra told the boy. He couldn't tell if she wanted to push him for a striking conversation between him and the lady or her just wanting for him to get his lunch but all he cares for right now, is his hungry stomach.

He decided to follow her and walked out of the elevator, as he turned around and watched as the doors closed, he saw Lyra, turning her smugness into a malicious smile. It couldn't help that the lights around them caused the brunette's hair to go darker. A minute ago, it was the familiar Lyra he knew, but as he left, he saw a stranger. Someone who is hiding something, someone who created a visage, someone has a persona, someone with underscheming intentions.

"Follow me." The ginger said as she headed to the dining area. Yoake, soon after, tailed.

Meanwhile, Lyra heads to the 17th floor, and once it reaches its stop, the doors open once more. As the lights pierced through the small opening, its shimmer landed on her face, a face that went through pain that no person could ever bare. She is the untarnished, the impalpable, and the un-recognized.

She saw what lies in front of her, a throne, her throne. She had been waiting for nearly decades for this moment, the time has come. She headed towards the throne and sat on it, like a king finally returned to his palace after a long successful siege in far away lands.

The Regent has returned.

Next chapter