
Mega Evolution Part 1

"Are you excited?" Leaf asked the trainer.

They were on a train that is heading back to Pallet city, the city where the adventure begins. Yoake was near the walkway in the train, Claudine was sitting on the window's side of the train while Leaf sat between them. Even though Claudine can look at the beautiful plain farmlands as the train passes by, she was busy reading her book.

"To be honest. I am both excited and nervous. One is that I can get a starter that fits perfectly my team, and second, is that, since you told me that the starters are fully evolved, I'm worried that they might not listen to me. You know, Pokemon sometimes can ignore their trainers once they realized that they aren't fit as their trainer." Yoake explained.

"Don't worry about that. I had a Pokemon that also ignored me once in a battle. I can assure you, I was mad about it, nearly releasing it in the process but once we found a middle ground for the two of us, we got along and started to become better and better." Leaf giggled as she states her side. She just wants to assure the trainer that everything will be fine.

"Yeah, better and better," Yoake whispered as he repeats the last three words from his babysitter's mouth. Even though he was certain that things will become better, he is worried about one thing, battle bond. He knows nothing about it, the origins, the story of why his bloodline has it, and his only way to get answers is from his parents, which he called them earlier.

"You're going back to Pallet city to get your starter? That's good news dear. Well, you have the keys to our penthouse. Your sister is in Viridian City, practicing her jingles. Well, we gotta-"

"Mom, can I ask you for a minute, just a minute, please," Yoake begged his mother during their call earlier.

"Well, your father and I are about to join a meeting but sure, what is it?" his mother asked as she was in a hurry.

"Mom, do you know anything about Battle Bond?" He asked in a serious tone as he wants an answer from his parents.

"Battle Bond-." There was a sudden pause in her mother's voice as if she was shocked by the words from her son's mouth.

"I-I oh look at the time, we're about to join a meeting. Say hi to Leaf for me. The food is in the fridge. Love you." She said in a hurry as she ended the call immediately after her farewells.

Yoake's eyes widened after hearing the beep from his phone, he was shocked to hear how his mother react to battle bond as if she was hiding something.

'What was that all about?' Yoake thought.

'I have to know the secrets of Battle Bond.' Yoake finalized himself as his head was busy trying to understand the devious puzzle of Battle bond. Even though he has no full-on evidence, he was skeptical about his parents.

Later on, they finally arrived at the Pallet City station. The three walked off from the train and stood on the platform as Leaf guide them to the exit. While walking, Claudine was attached to her book, like a kid seeing a plane soaring through the sky above them, she was too locked to her stare. Leaf sighed as she notices Yoake's pokemon, she decided to give Yoake the shoulder and points her finger at Claudine.

"Maybe you should read this later, once we got home." Yoake sighed as he took the book from Claudine's hands and places it in his bag.

"What? No! I'm getting close to the climax of the story… Please…" Claudine tampered like a child in the scenery.

"You can continue it reading at home, you might trip or get into an accident if your eyes are so engaged to the book," Yoake argued to his Pokemon.

"What are you, my dad?" Claudine argued once again like a child. People began to look at them as Claudine continues to make a scene. Leaf notices how people are beginning to stare at the two's commotion and she decided to tell the trainer to quickly stop their fuss.

"Technically yes, I'm your trainer. I know what is right for you." Yoake stated. Leaf once again gave him a shoulder and pointed out the people around them.

"How about you two stop arguing. Come on Claudine, let's head to Professor Oakido's laboratory, as soon as we get Yoake's starter, we can directly go back to Yoake's penthouse and continue reading it there." Leaf offered to the Pokemon as she wants to stop the scene.

"Fine…" Claudine sighed. As she began to walk with them.

Yoake rolled his eyes and continued his walk. They headed outside, picked up a cab, and headed to the professor's lab. Claudine was sitting in the front, like a child, she was still furious about her trainer's actions. The thing she wanted was hampered by her trainer. Leaf notices the grudge that Claudine has, she was getting reminiscent of something from the past

"Now you know how I feel." Leaf teased the trainer. He rolled his eyes and continued.

It didn't take long for them to reach the professor's lab. They got out with Yoake and Leaf arguing on who should pay the cab. They insisted that one should pay over the other but Claudine stopped the two and continued to their day. They entered the lab and were greeted by the professor, standing at the center of the lobby, waiting for them.

"Good morning professor." Leaf greeted with a smile to the professor.

"Good morning professor." Yoake greeted the professor as well.

"Good morning to you three. Uh, what's up with her?" The professor greeted them as well but he notices that Claudine was irritated.

"Someone's got a bit cranky because their beloved book is being confiscated." Leaf said as she teases Claudine.

'I see. Well, before we start, have you three seen Ren?"

"Sorry if I was late." Ren barged in as she enters the lab, panting for breathing as she has been running for minutes. Ren knows that she doesn't do Cardio but she knows that the opportunity of getting the starter is very important for her.

"It seems that everyone is here then." the professor said.

"Good morning Ren, you seemed to be very tired." the professor looked at Ren's face and saw how the trainer was panting for breath.

"I'm fine professor, no need to worry about it," Ren assured the professor.

"You sure? it seems that you haven't slept properly." the professor told the trainer as he was worried about her.

"Alright, follow me." The professor told the others as he tells them to follow him. They nodded and followed the professor to the sanctuary as their starters awaits.

While walking, Ren gave a huge yawn, she covered her mouth to ensure no one could hear her but Yoake notices it and quickly asked Ren about it.

"Seems that you had a busy night." Yoake teased his rival as they walk behind the professor.

"Yeah, I was very worried about Gengar last night. He passed out for an hour and a half." Ren yawned as she explains to her rival.

"Wait, Gengar passed out last night? Huh. that happened to Claudine as well."


"It's Gardevoir."

"Did you name her that?" Ren asked her rival.

"No, she named herself, and now, we have to deal with it." Yoake sighed.

"Why do you think Gengar passed out?" He continued as he asks Ren with utter curiosity.

"I don't know," Ren said in an unsure tone.

"Okay, I assume all of you know Mega Evolution, right?" The professor asked the three as they finally reached the sanctuary. Claudine raised her hand as she has no idea what Mega Evolution is.

"Excuse me." She raised her hand with a polite tone.


"Uhh, what's mega evolution?" Claudine asked.

"Well, Leaf, care to explain to Gardevoir what Mega Evolution is?" The professor said.

"Mega evolution is a newly discovered evolution form for a selected group of Pokemon. It was discovered in Kalos, and it is still being studied to this very day. It releases the true and immense stored power that Pokemon has. If you remember, Janine used Mega beedrill against you on Yoake's gym battle, it was savage but that's how Mega Evolution works." Leaf explained to Claudine.

"I see, but how is Mega Evolution activated?"

"By the use of a Mega stone, like this one." Ren said as she reveals her mega stone from her bag.

"You have a mega stone!?" Yoake was shocked to see his rival having a mega stone.

"Yup. I went to Lavender town a few days ago and a guy from a Pokemon adoption center gave me one." Ren told her rival.

"No need to be envious about that Yoake, I can give you one alongside your starter and their mega stone." the professor said as he wants to assure that he is getting a mega stone alongside Ren.

"Shall We?" The professor asked them as he takes out the three Pokeballs from his coat and threw them behind him. Three Pokemon showed up behind him, the three Kantonese starters in their fully evolved form.

Venusaur, The green quadrupedal amphibian Kantonese starter that is known for its flower's fragrance.

Blastoise, The blue bipedal turtle Kantonese starter, it is still unknown how and why Blastoise got its canons behind it and being able to retract it and hide it from public view.

Charizard, The orange bipedal lizard Kantonese starter, is a Kantonese favorite. Often mistaken as a dragon type due to its habitat and how it hunts.

"Who's gonna get one first?" Professor Oakido asked the two trainers.

"How about we battle? The winner gets to pick first." Ren challenged Yoake.


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