
The Wrong Call


I went to stalk again for almost two days straight. It was kind of weird how everything felt same despite the recent change of affairs. 

I decided to take a break for the day, so I went to inform Chloe to follow one of them the next day. I knocked in their door more than twice, but when I didn't receive any reply, I thought maybe they were out. I thought they would be back by now given how it was already late.

Should I wait for them to come back or should I leave it, I wondered. I finally decided to go and wait in their room itself. I still haven't asked them what they were up to. 

Being dead had its own advantages, but it also came with its own limitations. I just hope Oliver actually manages to find something useful. He himself had a hard time finding out about his own death, although it was more of his last mission related than his death. Let's see what he does about Chloe's.

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