
Like a Vivid Dream

As we enter our house I saw Margaret was sitting by herself in front of the TV, while food lay awaited on the table? Did she perhaps..wait for us?

She didn't move from her position when we entered the house. She did however look a little displeased when she saw us; I wonder why.

"It took you the whole day?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. Why? Did you miss us? " Ken teased her with a naughty smile.

Margaret rolled her eyes before continuing "So, did you find anything useful, or was it a total waste of time?" Margaret raised her eyebrows suggestively at me.

"We found something. I'm not yet sure how much helpful it is though." I told her carefully.

"Well, why am I not surprised? Two months and you still don't have any idea who you are, not even your name, forget about your death and related past." She said as she rolled her eyes. "At least with that detective boy I hoped you might have found something."

"Well, it's turning out more complicated than I thought." I sighed. "As for my name, I may or may not be a woman named Virginia Stone? Hear the full story and tell me what you think,"

She narrowed her eyes and looked at me for a moment, then shifted her gaze towards Ken.She looked between us to and fro before finally giving a sigh. After a while she said, "Fine, go ahead. Tell me all about the adventure you had today"

It took me a long time to explain everything, to make sure I didn't deliver the situation wrongly. It took me really a while to explain everything properly. She nodded as a response for most of it, but didn't interject or say anything, which I took as a sign to continue with my story. I even told her about Carter, to which there was a considerable amount of distress clear on her face.

After absorbing everything she asked me, "So.. What you're saying is that a woman stole your life, who looks exactly like you?"

"I mean, that's what I think. That's the only logical conclusion I can draw." I shrugged.

"So what are you going to do? ," She asked me.

"As in what?" I asked her.

"You told me you wanted to find out about your life, right? Now you have. So are you planning on moving on?" She asked me in a monotone.

"..No? I know I said I'll leave once I find out, but I don't want to. Plus it's not like I'm certain I'm her. I can be very much wrong as well, I don't really know everything." I almost whine. " Besides I want people to know that I'm dead. Being forgetten is worse than being dead! I want Timothy or any family members I might have had to know that I'm dead." I said desperately.

"Have you considered that he might already know?" Margaret popped the question.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"You had an unnatural death, what if he was a part in your murder or whatever the hell happened to you? What will you do?" She asked me.

"..." I was stunned. I can't believe I didn't think of that possibility before. I mean he seemed nice, but what if he was actually not? Maybe I felt that way because my feelings were genuine, but what if those weren't reciprocated for real? "I don't know... What should I do. Please Margaret help me. You're the most experienced ghost I know." I told her.

"Hmm, I'll think about it. You had an exhausting day, go ahead and take some rest. I'll put the food away you can taste them when you're in a better mood. Or not, it's not mandatory anyway.." she dismissed me and then left.

"You know what? She might come around for you now." Ken told me as he smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, tilting my head.

"She has a soft spot for people who were wronged.Believe me, I'm saying this from experience." he winked, and he left.

Not having a physical body saved me from any physical exhaustion, but too bad emotionally it wasn't the case. I closed my eyes and laid still on the couch, which from a human perspective would appear as I am sleeping. I kept imagining the day I had, while also trying not to overthink too much. I needed to figure out what will be my next step. But for now, I should take some rest.

I was lost in my thoughts, when suddenly I heard a sound. It sounded like some country music. Neither can I name it nor have I ever heard of it, at least not as a ghost , but it did feel familiar. As I further delved into its rhythm something appeared in front of my eyes, like a memory I was playing, a memory I didn't know I had. I saw a steering wheel on which were some pale hands. They looked like my hands, as if I was driving the car. I felt blissful, as if I was having the best day of my life. On my way there was a turn when suddenly a huge truck came out of nowhere and as to not crash into it I rolled my steering wheel so badly that crashed into a huge tree.

Everything went black for a while before I opened my eyes again. I was laying down, facing the road, where there were red drops on them. I also felt an immense amount of pain that almost rendered me paralyzed. I poured all my strength into my neck as I looked up slightly. I saw a pair of legs approaching me. It was covered by black pants but I couldn't make out whether it was a man or a woman. I could feel my lips moving but I didn't know what I was saying nor could I hear it as if I had gone deaf. When it was right in front of me I tried looking further above, but before I could I felt a terrible amount of pain in my head. A pain that was strong enough alone to kill me. A pain which was accompanied by sudden blackening of my surroundings.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and looked around in my surroundings. I was back at the couch of Margaret's house. I recall what I saw, it was like a vivid dream. What did I just see? My death? I have to tell someone immidiately!!

As I was about to call someone I suddenly noticed at my hand. It was much less translucent than I recalled. Like, as if I was fading. I panicked and started yelling. "HELP!! MARGARET!?KEN?!" both of them appeared in front of me in an instance and before I could explain further an expression of terror had taken over both of their faces. Their expressions made me even more terrified. What was happening with me?

What do you think is happening to her? tell me your thoughts before scrolling on to next chapter.

That's right, it's a mass release! enjoy two chapters at once my lovely readers

And once you're done do check out the book "Oblitus Regina" by my friend [Elise_Aigasaki). the adventure and mystery will keep you hooked!

lots of love


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