
Swayed (Merle's Arc)

Newest Chapter of the Highest Tier (November 2021)

"Merle." Archangel Uriel abruptly whispered low in her ear. "I am not sure what we are doing here anymore." 

Her lover's words were like unexpected arrows stabbing her straight to the heart when he told her that all of a sudden.

Did that really come from Uriel or was it just a disembodied voice of her fears whispering her own doubts in her mind? 

Merle's soft smile froze in surprise that she didn't know how to react except to twist her linen sheets against her knuckles.

It was so abrupt that she couldn't believe what she just heard.

Did he regret leaving the Garden of the Four Seasons in Archangel Lucifer's care for the meantime to be with her?

Earlier, she was so ecstatic that her heart felt like it was about to burst with happiness that she ended up smiling like an idiot and laughing too much in his presence.

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