
New House

When Hiruzen heard what naruto said he was heartbroken. Then he said, "You can come and live with me if you want."

Naruto thought about it for a bit but decided against it because he thought Hiruzen would be suspicious and wary of him because of his behavior which would create a rift in their relationship.

So naruto said " Sorry old man but I don't like living with other people I would like to live alone." Sarutobi thought that naruto rejected him because Naruto didn't trust him yet but he didn't blame naruto. Then Sarutobi said, "Ok Naruto I will arrange a house for you to live in and I will also send food to your house so you don't have to hunt for food ok."

Naruto looked at Sarutobi and said "But why are you doing all this for me. We only met today." Sarutobi sighed and said "You are a smart one aren't you. Well, you see I am the hokage of the village and it's my responsibility to take care of everyone." Naruto didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

Then Sarutobi told naruto to go to the orphanage and pack his stuff and told him that he would come to pick him up tomorrow and take him to his new house.

Naruto was very excited he could finally get out of this shitty orphanage. He went to the orphanage quickly and put his stuff in his bag. And by his stuff, he means underwear, a shirt and a pair of trousers which all had holes in them.

A day passed Naruto was ready to go to his new house he was already outside the orphanage with his three pieces of clothing waiting for Hiruzen to show up.

After some time Hiruzen came and looked at Naruto and said "Are you ready to go to your house naruto." Naruto nodded his head and said "Yes." Then Hiruzen looked at three pieces of clothing in naruto's hand and asked "Is that all the clothes you have?"

Naruto said "Yes." Then he sighed again and said, "Before we go to the house we are going to buy you new clothes." Naruto Happily nodded his head and said ok.

After that, they went to buy clothes Hiruzen bought plenty of clothes for naruto. Naruto was choosing different styles of clothes that didn't include his orange suit.

The villagers didn't dare to say or do anything to naruto in front of Hokage so they just gave naruto whatever he wanted. After that Naruto and Hiruzen finally reached Naruto's new house.

It's the same house as the Canon. Naruto quickly went inside the room and saw the exact same design except there were no Ramen cups lying on the floor.

Then Hiruzen said "So do you like the house Naruto," Naruto said, "Yes it's a lot better than an orphanage." Then Hiruzen said "Ok naruto I have already bought some stuff for you. I have ordered an anbu to bring you food every week. I have to leave now to do some work I will visit you later ok oh and I almost forgot I will also send you some money as your monthly allowance"

Then Hiruzen went outside and met an anbu on the roof of naruto's house and said "Keep him safe."

A year passed

During that year naruto started to train every day. He would fake his sleeping at night and go to the forest and train he would hunt small rabbits and other animals to get over his fear of killing something. He threw up when he killed a rabbit for the first time.

He also wanted to awaken the Kagura's Mind Eye and Adamantine sealing chain but he had no success. He was now using 4 times Gravity on himself and was a lot stronger than normal kids. His chakra pool was also increasing with his age so was his chakra control but he still couldn't use any ninjutsu.

Naruto was finally three years old and today was his birthday. Hiruzen took naruto to ichiraku ramen. After naruto was done eating, Hiruzen asked "So naruto what do you want as your birthday gift."

Naruto was waiting for this question and he immediately said "I want to learn ninjutsu." Then Hiruzen sighed again and said, "You are still going on about being the strongest ninja."

Naruto had been asking Hiruzen for ninjitsu for the last 3 months and when Hiruzen asked why he needed them then Naruto replied because he wanted to be the strongest.

Then naruto said again "Come on Grandpa today is my birthday are you still gonna reject me." Then he looked towards Hiruzen with puppy eyes. Then Hiruzen just couldn't reject him when he called him grandpa and gave him that look so Hiruzen said "ok I will give you the scroll for three ninjutsu you learn in academy. "

After that Hiruzen gave naruto the scroll for three basic ninjutsu they learn in academy. They are Transformation, clone, and substitution.

After his third birthday. Naruto also started to spend some time in the kid's playground training. He no longer looked the same as naruto from anime. He looked much more handsome. He was taller more muscular and well dressed. So kids no longer avoided him or treated him badly.

The reason he spent time training in kids' playgrounds was that. Anbu always following him everywhere in the day and would only stop following him at night so he had to something to pass the time. Naruto also became familiar with Shikamaru and choji.

Three months passed again.

During those three months, naruto had already mastered all three basic ninjutsu taught in the academy. He also met his favorite waifu Hinata Hyuga but when he talked with her. One of the guards of Hinata told her not to talk to him. That nearly made him depressed.

But he came up with a plan. His plan was simple. During Hinata's birthday, Hinata would be kidnapped by a ninja of kumogakure. He would save Hinata from the ninja and impress her and her family. And become the hero who saved the princess.

An:- Thank you Razerizz, Rivenaka hewa waduge, and Alphafluffy for joining my patreon There are currently 18 advance chapters of Naruto's fanfic along with 8 advance chapters of my one piece fanfic available on my patreon. it's only 3$ per month so join.


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