


Going into the hold of the ship Hiko saw the egg was violently shaking sending water splashing over the side of the tub it was in.

With almost no effort Hiko picked up the egg bringing it up on the deck, he didn't want to deal with getting the mythical beast out of his cargo hold. His brief touch on the egg only seemed to excite it more as the egg started to vibrate like a motor, once the egg was secured on deck Hiko ran into the kitchen as he got several towels and several whole chickens.

Just to make sure the egg hatched successfully Hiko gently tapped the top of the egg hoping to stimulate the dragon inside. After waiting a few minutes Hiko started to worry when a large crack appeared in the top of the shell, every time the egg shook a crack appeared eventually a section of the shell finally broke off.

That was quickly followed by one then two and before Hiko knew it the egg had completely broken revealing a five-foot-long leviathan with light blue scales and navy blue eyes. Immediately the leviathan started to growl noticing another creature nearby, Hiko thought it looked cute trying to act tough.

Letting loose his Nen Hiko let the creature feel the full extent of his aura, able to sense his power the Leviathan stopped growling before rolling over on it's back showing its reverse scale. Now that the Leviathan had submitted to him Hiko stopped emitting his Nen reaching back and grabbing one of the raw chickens.

Holding it in front of the leviathan Hiko started to feed it tearing off pieces of meat before throwing them in the air for the dragon to eat. When the last piece of meat was gone Hiko kneeled next to the dragon as he started to clean off the various fluids from its birth off its scales. As he was cleaning the completed quest notification appeared.

[Quest Completed: Papa]

Rewards: How to Train a Dragon by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, 1000 Karma.

Opening his inventory Hiko saw a new item, a thick tome with the picture of a dragon, taking out the book and setting it aside for later Hiko focused his attention back to cleaning the dragon who stopped glaring at him once he started to clean its scales again.

The leviathan had a trail of spikes going down its spine connected with paper-thin webbing, Hiko was surprised when the spikes caused a dot of blue blood appeared on his finger. Done cleaning its body Hiko opened the book before he started to ready, going through the table of contents Hiko found the section dedicated to Levithan's.

In just a few minutes Hiko had memorized everything he needed to raise his own dragon, storing the book Hiko looked over the dragon, ' So you're a girl we're going to have to name you at some point, I should wait until the girls get back before I decide on anything. ' Hiko watched as the leviathan sniffed the air and looked around the ship trying to get a better understanding of its surroundings.

Smiling Hiko formed a large bubble in his palm before tossing it into the air, Hiko traced its path through the air as it landed directly on the leviathans nose popping loudly when it did. The sudden air blast up her nose caused the Levithan to sneeze and Hiko's eyes stifled a laugh at the trail of smoke coming from her nose.

As if knowing he was making fun of her the Levithan glared at Hiko tears forming in corner of her eyes. Feeling a little bit guilty Hiko started to scratch underneath the dragon's chin, like a dog the leviathan's bag leg started to thump against the ground and her tail wagged violently. Stopping after a few seconds Hiko watched as the leviathan dragged itself across the deck like a seal moving towards the edge of the pool. Hiko didn't stop the dragon as it threw itself overboard making a big splash as it hit the water.

Sighing Hiko walked took off his shirt throwing it to the side, ' Now I know what people mean when pets are like another kid. ' Diving into the water Hiko watched as the Levithan swam through the water with grace faster than anything he had seen before. Smiling Hiko started to chase after the leviathan starting a game of chase, he held himself back most of the time as the dragon was still slower than him.

Their playtime was interrupted when a Sea King noticed them letting out a roar that made the water to vibrate, not backing down the newborn Levithan roared back even though it was nowhere as impressive. Sighing Hiko summoned his ants sending them to deal with the bothersome creature, they both watched as the Sea King was slowly devoured.

When the ants came back to form the Royal Jelly Hiko had an idea form in his head, tossing the small piece towards the leviathan Hiko watched her nose twitch in anticipation before she lunged at the treat eating it whole. Using Gyo Hiko watched the Nen circulate from the Royal Jelly integrating into the leviathan's body, grinning Hiko formed more ants and sent them out to find more Sea Kings. Over the course of an hour, Hiko had fed the Levithan ten Royal Jelly and had watched her scales become a brighter blue.

" I was going to wait, but the name fits you two well. From now on your name will be Lapis. "

Sorry, I didn't upload for the past few days, I do not plan to drop the novel but my schedule will change. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Sunday I will be posting chapters. On all other days, I will be posting chapter on my new fanfic, I already have a few chapters out on Patreon so I post the first chapter today and the new schedule will be in effect on Friday.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts
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