

Facing the volatile, I had only one thought that runs through my head: To kill the thing as fast I can, and get the fuck out of there to see Beth.

Seeing that one of its prey had left the safety of the shield wall, the volatile knew that this was its chance to hunt something quickly and easily or so he thought.

Looking at the volatile that was standing in front of me, studying my body for a clue on how I would react or what my next move will be. Unfortunately for him, I decided to bring the fight to him by punching him.

The first punch barely hit the volatile's chin. He noticed too late that it was an attack, though, when the second punch connected with his chin, a piece of his face flew out of his face leaving his lower left side of the head uncovered by rotten flesh and bone. Unfortunately for me, the volatile recovered quickly from my attacks.

He stood straight, eyes bulging with rage, and stared at me—some human with a little bit of strong metal arm that managed to blow a piece of his face—right in my eyes. I tried to stand tall, but he was taller than me standing at a freighting 2, 5 meters tall with an agile body that was meant for stealth attacks in the night.

"You…human…" The volatile took a lurching step forward before he leaped on the wall ready to pounce on me. On the third word, he launched himself at me while shouting: "Human!"

(A/N: I don't remember if I said this or not, but in Dying Light, the only know sentient volatile, or the only one that talks with the MC, is the last boss from The Following DLC, and if I remember correctly the newly made zombies retain some form of consciousness.)

I knew that if I will get hit by that attack, I will surely go down and while I may survive thanks to my men, I would surely be injured quite badly.

Without waiting for the volatile to hit me, I swung my axe at his leg, hoping that I will manage to cut it off.

Unfortunately for me, I forgot that volatile are pretty dam sturdy and can take a beating before they go down. While my attack failed and my axe was stuck in his leg, though, my attack cut more than halfway through the leg before it remained stuck in it.

The volatile went in for another shot at me. I managed to shove him off as it used the same tactic on me once again. Seeing the volatile stepping back so far against the weight of my metal arm, I smiled before I did something that I didn't think I will do too soon. I closed the distance between us before I punched the volatile right through its stomach while I tried to defend myself from its crazy attacks at my head.

It was unreal. Between the hole in his guts and ribs and the general, the sight of the volatile on his feet after I made another hole in him was not something a human would want to see. I looked right in its eyes before I decided to end its life once and for all. Click. The battery in my artificial arm was ejected in the guts of the volatile. Another Click was heard afterward. That click was the sound of my metal arm disconnecting itself from my body leaving me in pain from having my nerves ripped off once again.

My body couldn't keep with the pain and it decided to shut down everything, but my senses and head. Thankfully the battery would self-destruct once it leaves its designated place forcefully or if it will be ejected in a narrow space like a tube or a gut.

The volatile body exploded from the battery explosion leaving the once tall figure, just ahead with some part of its upper body.


The silent hall echoed with these three words from the volatile.

Seeing the volatile down, Maxson and the rest of my men made sure that the volatile was dead by stabbing its brain.

While I wasn't injured, the pain from having my arm cut off from my body once again wasn't something that I would like to feel a third time. Thank god that I can painlessly switch batteries if necessary once I return to my home.

Looking at my men, I smiled before I fall asleep. Maxson looked at me before he barked some orders to our men.

"Jack, Milles, pick Eric and bring him near the sealed door, the rest of us will check the place for any lurker that managed to slip past our first search. We don't want another volatile accident."

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

<Rick POV>


The sudden explosion scared us for a moment before I remember that Eric was inside that block from where the explosion was heard.

While I was thinking about how to go and help them, Morgan yelled to me that Maggie's group has returned.

I didn't respond, but I keep killing the zombies that were pilled on the fence.

By the time Maggie and her group joined us, the number of zombies increased to a dangerous number.

Thankfully the new addition of hands managed to help us ease the fence struggle.

After another ten minutes of clearing zombies, we were finally done.

"What happened Rick? And how did you get the new cars?"

"Long short story, Eric happened. He saved Daryl and I brought him here as a thank you."

"Eric? Where is he? Is he alright?"

"Calm down Beth, he's fine, probably. He's clearing the overrun block with his men."

Hearing that Eric was fine, Beth calmed down a little, but Maggie still had to calm her down, fortunately for all of us, when Eric's group exit the now cleared block, Eric was being carried by two men while Maxson was looking at me.

"What happens?"

"Nothing really, we just had a run with a volatile in a closed space. Thankfully Eric managed to kill it, but as you can see, he's an idiot sometimes. By the way, who's that young lady? She looks like she will kill me."

"That's Beth, Eric's girlfriend."

"Ah, that explains it. Well, then, I have to prepare myself for what will happen in a few seconds."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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