
Expedition 1

"Are you going to take the Humvee with you?"

"No. I'll let you have it, Paul. You guys will need the Humvee more than me. I'll just take two vans with 9 good soldiers. "

"Be a careful kid. We need you alive, after all, you are the reason most of us are still keeping our shit together."

"Don't worry Andrew, I'll come back with good news."

"Even if the news isn't that good, we could still make something out of that place right?"

"With you tinkering here and there, we would eventually build up a fortress."

"HAHAHA, that's so true. The mighty fortress of doom.The bane of the undead. And many more titles that would make any gamer cringe or love that depends on them. By the way, Jorah is already as big as a tall dog and I'm sure that he would love to have you around. Why don't you take him with you?"

"He's already as tall as me when he stands on two legs which doesn't make any sense. He's pretty much just a young bear not even a year old and he's already that big. Something doesn't add up and I fear the worst."

"I'm with you here. The bears will take a while to grow as big as him and he did it in just some months. If this happens to all of the animals in the world, then maybe you should reconsider your scouting mission. It won't hurt to be extra prepared in case something happens."

"You are right, I will gather all of our guys and develop a better plan. Meanwhile, Would it be possible for us to recover the helicopter from Macon? Just saying it would be awesome to have air support."

"It will hard, but we can do it. I'll speak with Ace and Lee to gather a team and bring the helicopter back home."

"That would be awesome. I'll gather the team that I took with me in the tunnel. I have to create a new plan for this operation."

"Good luck, son. And shoot for the head."

Half an hour later, fifteen people stood in front of me. Most of them didn't expect that I will call them so soon for another expedition.

Initially, the plan was rather simple: We enter the forest and search for the firehouse, but now we can't just go blind inside the forest, which leads me to a new plan.

Firstly we will search for the closest firehouse in Atlanta, hopefully finding a clue where the firehouse in the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge may be located or at least a general area where we could search.

Secondly, only if we find clues on where the fire station could be, we will slowly approach that location as we don't know if the location is occupied or not, and finally, we will clear the place before crashing for the night.

The plan didn't change that much, but it become more time consuming and the zombies that roam the streets won't make executing the plan easier.

After they heard the plan for this mission, we decided to make a route so that we will have an easier time finding our way around or giving the people from home a general idea where they could find us in case something happens. When the route building was finished, I informed them that we will leave tomorrow morning, which lead to a quick salute and all of us going straight to bed as it was already pretty late.

The next morning, we left the station at 6 AM, followed by Paul's group which would separate from us when we arrived at the first crossroad.

After searching for an hour while killing zombies here and there or moving car away, we found one of the fire stations in Atlanta, that survived the bombing dealt by the army when they tried to contain the outbreak.

Being rather close to the center of the city, we expected to find zombies, but when we stopped the vans in front of the building, the first thing that greeted us was bullets flying towards us.

"Take cover, Sam(Random guy from Eric side)take two men with you and flank the building ."

"Roger that, sir!"

Seeing that Sam, got his two buddies, I shout again, ordering the rest of the guys to cover fire Sam's group while they would quickly run behind an overthrown car. The enemy didn't seem to bother with Sam, which made me smile for a moment. They are either dumb or too full of themselves, but seeing how bad their aim is, I think the first variant is the most plausible in the current situation.

While we trade bullets, Sam and his group managed to sneak behind the fire station. Fortunately for them, these enemies are dumb enough to let the ladder down which helped Sam get on the second floor. The three of them, counted the number of bullets the enemies on their floor fire before they swat kicked the door.

The people that shoot at us, didn't even give any attention to Sam's group and they quickly got wiped out by three men.

When all enemies were killed, Sam opened the door for us, but from his expression, something happened inside the station.

"Boss, I…*sigh* You should see for yourself what happened inside, but … it's disgusting."

Hearing Sam's words, I begin to think that they may have found some girls that were raped or even worse, human meat which means that these were cannibals.

Following the direction pointed by Sam, I entered one of the barracks(A/N: I don't remember what's the name for the room where you sleep in bunk beds, I know that it ain't bedroom so I decided to go with barrack).

When I opened the door, I saw something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. The whole room was made into a place where you could fuck everywhere something, but the worst thing was the fact that the girls were, in fact, dead zombies. Some were even rotting while some fresh dead.

Seeing that disgusting sight, I quickly left the room and headed outside.

<Check my patr3on for advanced chapters – From the next week there will be five advanced chapters posted there.>

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