
Hit the road

"So, are ok?

"I lost my girlfriend, Rick, but I managed to accept her death. I'm not ok, but I will get better in time."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"Be a strong kid. Live your life and survive this shithole we call the world."

"You don't need to be. How did you meet Morgan? Thanks, Paul."

"He saved me from a walker after I searched for my family."

"I'm sure they are alright. Shane would take care of them."

"You seem to be pretty friendly with Shane."

"Not really, but he was the only father figure I had as a kid. You know about my dad so yeah."

I chat with Rick and Paul for an hour before our car arrived at the police station.

When we arrived there, Paul suggested that we should clear the surroundings and then search the police station.

Rick seemed to be against the idea of killing walkers at first, but after a few moments, he agreed with Paul's suggestion.

The surroundings were almost empty of any danger. Just one zombie here and there and after one hour of searching around and making sure that no zombie was close enough to make any problem we entered the station.

The station was empty which was a good thing for us. After we searched the place for any hidden danger, Rick informed us that the station still has hot water and we can use it. No one said anything against the idea of getting a hot shower after some pretty hard days. We (the men/boys) let the two women take their time showering while I opened the armory.

We found fifteen rifles and four shotguns and 8 revolvers with enough ammo for every weapon in the arsenal. Now was time for the tricky part: the loot distribution.

Before we began to distribute the weapons, Rick asked us if we would like to join him and the Jones. The two men and a boy decided to leave the town and search for Rick's family.

I knew that if we follow Rick, we would have to listen to him. That's how he is. Unfortunately for him, we rejected his invitation saying that we would go to another place.

Seeing that he got rejected, Rick felt a little bad, but he didn't try to change our minds.

As we had more people than him, Rick decided to give us four rifles and five ammo boxes for them. Beside the rifles, I took two revolvers and two ammo boxes for them.

Rick asked me if we want any shotgun, but Paul said that the shotgun would make too much noise and that would attract too much trouble. A rifle can use a silencer to make the shot quitter which would let us kill some zombies from distance.

Immediately after we finished sorting the weapons, the girls exit the shower room.

Seeing that we had the green light to take a shower, we head right in the shower room.

Half an hour later we finished loading the things in our cars. Rick found a police car while we had our pick up.

Rick and his group decided to head towards Atlanta Refugee camp while we decided to go to Senoia, Paul's home. There, we would try to find Paul's brother, Andrew which was a mechanic and an ex-soldier. Andrew was 36 this year and had a wife.

Paul knew that his brother was alive as the fucker as he calls him had survived Iraq and Afghanistan when he served in the army. Some weak zombies won't stand a chance in front of him.

Now that Rick group and our group had driven out of King County, the town remains for the zombies to take control of.

The journey should take us five hours, well, maybe more now that the roads were full of abandoned cars.

We didn't have to stop a lot on our journey as we had the car reservoir full of combustible, but we decided to stop at one gas station to scavenge for food.

When we stopped at the gas station we saw one zombie outside of the building.

Paul took care of it, while I entered the building. The girls decided to wait in the car in case we need to quickly leave.

As I slowly walked inside the building, I smelled something really bad like a dead body rotting which means that there should be more zombies inside.

I decided to retreat and wait for Paul to come and cover my back. Five minutes later we entered the building. Paul tried to switch the lights on, but unfortunately for us, the gas station didn't have any electricity left.

Seeing that we don't have a choice, I quickly returned to the car and picked two flashlights that we found in the police station. Now that we have a way of seeing inside, we began to advance. As we walked inside we heard some noises from the restroom. Nodding towards Paul, we took a side and opened the restroom door.

Inside we found a zombie that tried to exit the room. I quickly killed it with an ax swing. After making sure that the building was safe, Paul got the girls to help us carry the supplies that were left in the building. We found some snacks and some drinks. We even find two jerry cans to fill with diesel gas for our car.

Half an hour later we finish loading all of the things and hit the road again.

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