
The Hunt

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."

-        Book of Relevation, 19:11 – 21 King James Version

But Alexios has not done yet, he looked at the sun in the distance guessing the time and turned back with the last bit of hope that the rider is coming back with the news. He tried to further persuade Antonius. "My lord, why don't we wait for a little longer? From my understanding on biology, that the larger preys love to prowl around the world in dusk…"

  "Is it?" Antonius remains doubtful. "I can stay for a little longer, but since when did you ever study biology?"

Alexios smirked. "While that is a long long time ago my lord, and besides, don't you think going out for hunts like this proves to be a superb chance for the riders to coordinate themselves and also train for mounted archery?"

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