

"You have power over your mind - not outside events, realise this, and you will find strength."

-        Marcus Aurelius,

The villagers stopped their discussion and looked back at their lord on the stage. Their eyes met with the eyes of Antonius, and under the latter's watch the elder of the village stood up, bowing to their lord and proclaiming the final decision of the entire village.

"Your grace! All of us have understood your orders, from today onwards we shall abandon our old ways of living a humble life on the boats and on the plains and go into the workshops and mines serving you and the demesne better. Furthermore, how hard can lives in the mines, construction sites and iron works be? With others paying us, feeding us, and we will not have the need to get our own food from these rocky soils and the filled with pirate seas."

The other villagers of Prōtē cheered and ayed in approval of their elder's words.

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