
Real Life

After searching for Valerie for at least three hours on the beach, Olivia, Maddy, and Emma we're getting extremely worried and then king straight to the worst case scenarios. They were about to go back to the car and drive to a police station when they finally came across the blonde, who was sprawled out on a towel with her eyes closed next to a brown-haired, blue-eyed boy running his fingers through her hair. They were so engrossed in each other that neither of them noticed the presence of the three girls who were now towering over the two.

"Really?" Emma asked.

Valerie's eyes shot open and the beach boy's jerked his head upwards to look at the new faces.

"Oh h-hey guys!" Valerie nervously said, sitting up rather quickly.

"Let's go." Emma said in a snappy tone.

"W-Wait, why?" Valerie asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because we've been looking for you for more than two hours and thought you were missing and we come to find you with a random stranger all up on you." She snapped back.

The argument between the two girls continued and both Olivia and Maddy kept quiet while the two went at it. All throughout the girls' fight, the beach boy sat with his eyes pinballing from one girl to the other. Maddy was starting to get frustrated with the two since neither of them were seeming to get anywhere so she just pulled out her inner Aries and shouted, "ENOUGH!". Emma and Valerie went silent.

"Listen, I'm TIRED, we've been walking all over this fucking beach for three hours looking for your irresponsible ass and we just come to see you lounging around on some strangers lap. I'm TIRED of being your mom, and that goes for the rest of you too. Why am I always the one who has to take care of you three and clean up the messes you make? Emma, I get that you're angry, believe me, I am too, but let's just go. Valerie, if you wanna stay stranded and stay on this island, that's fine by me, but I am NOT going to keep babysitting any of you. This is our FIRST day on VACATION, and you've gone and screwed half of it up. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to the hotel and enjoy myself. I don't need this shit."

After Maddy's long mother-like lecture, she made a sharp turn on her heel and started making her way back the way they came from.

"GO TO HELL MADELEINE!" She heard Valerie scream.

"I'LL SEE YOU THERE YOU PRICK!" Maddy responded, throwing a middle finger up in the air.

Madeleine Riley was NOT the one to fuck with. If you piss her off, she will not hesitate to say what's on her mind. She also won't be afraid to ignore you for a LONG period of time. BUT she will be open to apologies.

*30 Minutes Later*

Maddy had arrived back in the hotel room, alone. She'd taken a shuttle from the beach to the hotel. She wasn't so heartless to leave Olivia and Ems stranded on the beach with The Wicked Witch of the West and her new lover.

It was almost midnight when she was taking a bath, trying her best to calm herself down when she heard her phone ring. She reached for it and saw the caller ID read "Dave🥰". She smiled and picked up.
