
Chapter 1172 – Family

After the Economistress had shown Stella her God Stone ocean, Stella realized that she had given up too early.

She had tried to help Gravis by comprehending Formation Arrays, and she was definitely making some headway in that direction, but she was sure that there was even more she could do.

Even if it wasn't much, she could still help Gravis with more things.

And she already had a plan.

However, the plan would take a long time to come to fruition.

But for now, Gravis and Stella only stayed together for a long while. Of course, Gravis didn't forget his other friends.

In the beginning, it was a bit awkward to talk with his friends, but eventually, the old feeling of friendship returned. They hadn't seen each other in a long while, but they had also known each other for a long time.

However, a lot of things had still changed in the last 150,000 years.

For example, Yersi and Jake had a couple of children now.

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